About Me
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Moving! Yes, again
I finally got the project me and a friend discussed about some months back moving. My new blog is now at www.lost-in-wonderland.net/whiterabbit, though do visit the front page to see where we're going with the whole thing.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
That fucking ringing sound in my ear
The ringing didn't go away, so I ended up at the ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat specialist) on Saturday morning. The diagnosis was both good and bad.
The good news is, there's absolutely nothing wrong with me.
The bad news? This means that there's nothing anyone can do about it, and it will either go away on its own or I am going to be stuck with it for the rest of my life.
"Your outer and middle ear is completely fine," the kind doctor explains to me, after prodding my ear and throat with his instruments. "And you can hear completely fine, so that means the problem is within your inner ear. The only thing I can do for you is to prescribe you some medications to increase bloodflow within that area. And come back to see me again after three weeks."
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
That ringing sound in my ear
Two nights ago, right before I went to bed, I noticed something weird about myself. My left ear felt as if there was a "bubble" of air trapped inside, like the type most people experience when they're onboard an airplane. After numerous attempts at trying to get rid of it by swallowing empty air and water, I gave up and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up a bit disoriented because the "bubble" didn't disappear overnight as I had hoped.
I went about my day as usual, hoping that it would disappear over the course of the day - and it did. Problem was, my left ear had started ringing instead. That made alarm bells ring in my head (pardon the lame attempt at a joke).
Then this morning when I woke up to my left ear still ringing, I dashed myself off to the doctor.
Tinnitus. Fuck.
"Hmmm, could be nasal congestion. Was your nose blocked lately?" my doctor asks while prodding my nose.
"Uhhhh, no?" Right after I shot that out of my mouth I realize that I suffer from sinus problems, so yeah, maybe I did? Whoops.
"You should be alright," she finally says. "Young people usually recover from it. But if you don't get better after a week, come back to me, I'll need to refer you to an ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) specialist."
Eep. Let's hope that it's not that serious.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Oh Play-Asia, how I love thee
As I have been excitedly telling everyone, my shipment from Play-Asia has finally arrived. I say finally because I had been expecting it to get here earlier (my order shipped on the 6th of February), completely forgetting about the Chinese New Year holidays. Early this week I had started to panic that it had gotten lost amidst the mountainloads of Chinese New Year cards that must have been flooding the post offices. On Thursday I was voicing my dread to Phui Mun, who I had convinced into buying one, that we might possibly never get to cradle our beloved Final Fantasy III figurines (which so happen to be limited items which had by now been completely sold out, so informing Play-Asia that the shipment never arrived probably wouldn't help), when I got home from work to find THE box sitting on top of my table.
Oh happy days and jubilations! There were five boxes of Final Fantasy III trading figures in total, two belonging to my brother, two to me, and one to Phui Mun, along with a Super Mario Bros keychain that I couldn't resist buying. Well, it IS just RM8++. So here are pics of my loot:

Yup, I got Goomba :D Ummm, please excuse the background mess that is my tabletop.
I let my brother open his portion of the boxes. These two are his. Pic's a bit blur, but I was too lazy to take another one. He got the dragoon I was eyeing, the lucky bastard. The one next to him is the black mage. Although it's a bit hard to tell from the photo, the quality of the figures is so good that I now regret deciding to only get two :(
Will be meeting Phui Mun tomorrow to let her choose hers, then I'll probably update with pics of the remaining three. I'm so excited now wondering what I'll get :D
UPDATE: Woot I got the cat figure (the white mage / devout) and the freelancer! Phui Mun wanted the freelancer, so I exchanged it for her red mage. So now I have the devout and the red mage. Hopefully my brother will want the devout so I can exchange it with the dragoon. Yay :D Here's a happy pic with all the five figures: