About Me






Sunday, April 30, 2006



After much learning and frustration, the blog is finally back up. I hope you people like the design. I had wayyyy too much fun making it. I lost a lot of sleep in the process, which led to a zombiefied existence for most of the week. Heh, this is what you get for overcompensating for feeling like a dumbass at work. I still think there's something missing from it to make it special though..... SIGHHHhhhh.

I am somewhat elated that I learnt how to code it myself though. See, although I know how to code in HTML I am almost completely clueless about CSS (I really only use it to set font type, size and colour, which is silly once you learn what CSS can do), which is what Blogger uses for their templates. So I spent quite a few frustrating hours reading up how to code in CSS online, before I realized that one of my Multimedia lecturers in college once passed us notes on how to do CSS in Dreamweaver, because he said it'd come in useful one day. Talk about foreshadowing. After rummaging around my room for awhile, I managed to find it. WHAT A GODSEND!! I love you Ronaldi, you are so the BEST.

There are still a few issues I need to work out though. Like that stupid gap at the top that I can't seem to get rid of. And how I don't know how to change the colour of my SiteMeter counter. Also, I've decided to change the font I use for my body text but there doesn't seem to be an easy way of changing the ones from my past posts, and I'm too lazy to open up every single one and republish it again. So I guess I'll just leave it like that for now. Heh.

Edit: Made some minor changes to the masthead. Looks somewhat better.

Monday, April 24, 2006



Hello everyone! I'm here to inform you that this blog is henceforth hijacked by yours truly (with permission from Yew Seng and Li San, of course). Since both of them have said that they most likely will not be posting anything up here anymore, I have permission to take over and do whatever I want, and naturally that means a few changes are in order. I will be renaming the blog, for instance, and same goes for the url, though I haven't really picked one out yet. Choices are kinda limited, anyway. I might change the blog layout if I have time, but I'll definitely be keeping all the old posts around. I'll notify everyone when I'm done moving it out.

Until then, I'm leaving this post up.

Friday, April 21, 2006



I finally got my hands on Texhnolyze, an anime from the creators of Serial Experiments Lain, my favourite anime, and immediately launched into rabid fanboy mode. Never have I fallen so hard for anything in my entire life (well, if you discount Significant Other, anyway). The experience of watching Serial Experiments Lain completely ruined anime for me. No longer did I want to watch anything I considered sub-par to its excellent style, mood, setting, storytelling and the layers upon layers of meaning in every single scene. I'd watch it over and over again and not get tired of watching it, completely awestruck every time. So when I sat down to watch it yesterday night, I guess it was no surprise that I didn't realize it was six in the morning and I had work to go to at nine. Anyway, here's the opening video to spread the rabid fandboy love. I know this sort of stuff isn't for everyone though, so please don't come and tell me it sucks because the pacing is bad. Yes, it is very, VERY slow. But I LIKE it that way, and its part of what made it so good.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


One of life's mysteries explained, 1,000,001 more to go

Z: C, meet Boon Ying. Boon Ying, meet C. He's from our ex-college too.
Me: Hi!
C: Really? No wonder you look familiar. Seen you around in college before.
Me: @.@


*Guy walks into office, chats with colleagues*
Z: *points at guy* Our ex-designer. From LimKokWing too.
Me: Oh?
Z: Yeah. He says he's seen you around college too.
Me: ...
Z: You might as well be "Boon Ying, the ex-LUCCT student". Muahahaha.
Me: *headdesk*


Me: WTF is wrong with my face???!!
Me: Why the hell do people remember me for no reason???!!
Kel: Were you as skinny as this before?
Me: Yeah. Hell, I think I was thinner. A bit, anyway.
Kel: Well, there you go.
Kel: You're tall and skinny. So you stick out.
Kel: Of course, having the face of a gerbil helps, too.
Me: =P

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Coincidence of the day

The office lady and I went to the same secondary school. She was one year my senior. Whoa, what a small world.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006



Working in a company where your direct boss is an ex-collegemate has been a rather strange experience. When moving on from an experience, I tend to really move on, whether by accident or by my own design, and stepping out of publishing and into this particular advertising agency has felt like one step forward and another one backward. Well, okay, maybe after being blindfolded and spun around. I'm in a completely different environment, yet some things are eerily familiar. It has certainly brought back memories of college, although not without some amount of confusion.

I had a lot of fond memories about college. Like how I used to sit down by the side of entrance, alone or otherwise, to wait for friends because it was cold inside, or how we'd roast our hands on the metal bar further out to warm ourselves up after being stuck for three hours in a freezing cold classroom. Grabbing Gary's arm because his arms were warm all the time, which was like a godsend to me and the other girls (I know what you're thinking, but this particular friend of mine is gay). Sneaking off classes to play pool. Playing LAN Diablo 2, Neverwinter Nights and Dungeon Siege at the nearby cybercafe in between classes. Browsing through pirated games and VCDs at the stalls which open around noon near the cafes and mamaks. Running through all the empty classrooms at the end of the semester to see other students' works. Sitting at the atrium and talking about utter crap before classes start. Bitching about our work and our lecturers. Still writing my thesis at 6am when I had to hand it up at 9am. Being asked a crapload of times if I was lesbian in the first semester. Or if I was from mainland China or Taiwan. Having a friend point out to me that a huge portrait of me posing in a "child abuse" manner was facing the door straight into the photography lecturer's room, so everyone who walked in would see it. Being forced to pose for a hearing-impaired student's studio photography work simply because I didn't know how to say no.

Then there are the memories I want to erase away, like how I want to knock myself into a concussion everytime a presentation goes very badly, or when I say something and use the wrong word, making it completely hillarious to everyone else present.

And well, there are the ones that Z asked about. Who taught you in class? How did you do for your thesis? Who was your favourite lecturer? Which was your favourite period in Art History? And my mind goes completely blank. I can still name a few of my ex-lecturers, but it seems like I can no longer remember all of them. As for my favourite.....who? I probably had one, but strangely, I can't recall. I no longer remember my grades either, not even for a subject I loved. As for Art History.....I loved art noveau, surrealism, romanticism....but I'm quite sure that there were more, especially in the later eras. And just as I loved the social aspects of college, so do I love my classes and what they taught.

So why can't I remember any of it?

Monday, April 10, 2006


Dead birds and wilted flowers

Significant Other: Hey, guess what, my dad gave me the talk you give to teenage boys the other day.
Me: Huh?
Significant Other: The one about sex.
Me: Hah?
Significant Other: The birds and the bees?
Me: ...
Me: Your dad talked to you about sex?
Significant Other: Yes.
Me: ...
Significant Other: At the ripe old age of 28, yeah.
Me: ...
Significant Other: I was thinking if most parents waited until their kids were 28 to tell them about sex -
Significant Other:
- the world would have already ended.
Me: Hahahahahahaha
Me: Ha ha
Me: Ha
Me: ....
Significant Other: He left out contraceptives, too.
Significant Other: So I guess I can pretend they don't exist.
Me: Hahahahahahahaha
Me: Haha
Me: Ha
Me: ...
Me: Well, you should have just said something to the lines of "OMG, I've been fucking the wrong sex! Thanks for enlightening me dad!"
Significant Other: Well, actually, I was thinking more along the lines of "OMG, I've been doing it wrong all along!"
Me: I am SO going to blog about this.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Mistaken identity

Update on my status for those who don't know yet - I took up Kel's friend's job offer. It's still a pretty small office, but at least it lacks all the bullshit that 'graveyard' company had. Two days into the job, I observe that the office lady seems to live on air, and the other two (besides Kel's friend, who I'll just refer to thereafter as Z for the sake of brevity) aren't in most of the time. Thankfully, however, Z eats. So for the two days I've been at work I have been eating lunch with him.

On Friday we were at this Chinese restaurant which only had huge round tables, so we sat down awkwardly at one which could probably seat ten people. After ordering his food he ran out to take a call, and I was sitting by myself thinking of what to order when the waitress approached me and asked in Cantonese if we would mind moving to another table because they had more customers coming in. I obliged and moved everything, sat down again, decided that the safest option on the menu for me at the moment was the same thing Z just ordered, so I asked for the same thing.

"Oh, the exact same thing as your boyfriend?" the lady asked.

I immediately turned and stared at her with my mouth open.

For five full seconds.

It felt liked an eternity had passed before I opened my mouth to correct her, then shut it because, well, it doesn't make a difference, right? So I just nodded my head and said yes.

Strangely, I mostly hung around guys in college and I'm actually used to people mistaking them for my boyfriend everytime I go out on a one-on-one basis with them. Still, this one somehow came as a shock. Well, maybe because I'm attached now. Or maybe because I haven't hung around with guys on a one-on-one basis for quite awhile. Or possibly because I don't know Z well enough to be comfortable with the fact that people can mistake me for his girlfriend just because I'm female.

So when I got home, I sat down and thought about it for awhile. And decided that hey, this is probably blogging material. So now the internet knows another few trivial, unimportant details about my life.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Mind your language

I find it amusing that whenever I meet new people they try to curb their swearing in front of me. When they do end up cussing, I'd get a mortified look and "heh, sorry about the language." The amusing thing about all this is that I'm also trying to do the same thing. I don't curse often, but come on, people. I don't look that innocent.

Or do I?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Porn in Oblivion (or should that be the other way around?)

I was on a quest in Anvil to foil a gang of women robbers who seduce men to a secluded spot, get them to undress before robbing them blind. The quest led to a bloody end in a farmhouse. Before I left, I searched the farmhouse for goodies to sell in town. Lo and behold, I found a book titled The Lusty Argonian Maid sitting on a small table. Out of curiousity, I opened the book to read, and proceeded to laugh my ass off. Here are the contents:

Bethesda, I love you.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Potential employment?

I had an interview yesterday courtesy of Kel passing my contact to his friend, who happened to be looking for a graphic designer. Yay! It was in Damansara Perdana at 5pm. One of the first things I noticed - that place is a parking nightmare. It took me about 20 mins to find somewhere to park where no one will saman me, then I got out of the car and walked down the long row of shophouses to get to the office. STRAIGHT into my ex-boyfriend.

Cue staring at each other. Awkward smiling.

I was the first to open my mouth. "Hey," I said. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm stressed," he replied. "Just walking around to clear my mind."

I hit the panic button. "You, uh, work around here?"

He nodded and waved in the general area of shophouses.


"It's called X."

Thankfully, that's not the one I'm headed to. I breathe a sigh of relief.


"Uh, my interviewer's probably waiting for me," I point down the row. Grin. "Better get going."

He smiled at me, and we parted.

The interview itself went alright, I think. There were a few questions he asked which I didn't answer directly, for some odd reason. Apparently he's an ex-LICT (LUCCT?) student too. He told me that Damansara Perdana was an ex-LICT/LUCCT-infested heaven. Which explains why I ran into my ex.

"Hey, do you know Y person?" he suddenly asked me.

I furrow my brow. Name sounded familiar. "No, I don't think so."

He looks confused. "Are you sure?" he asked again. "He's this tall, pale, skinny Malay guy."

I look confused too. "Well, he sounds familiar, but I don't think so."

"Hmm, odd," he remarked. "I thought you were going out with him."

Oh, that guy.

"No, I wasn't," I replied. "It was his friend I was going out with."

"Oh." Pause. "You had short hair in college, didn't you?"

My jaw dropped. OMG LAH, what is with people I don't know recognizing me??!!! *headdesk*

Later on, when his colleagues came back, he took me on a little tour of the office, which he described as "basic, not really nice, but comfy enough place to work in." He lied. The place is SO PRETTY. And I had to rewind and replay my little monologue about my work to his partner.

Basically everything went ok, I think. I'm quite impressed with their work, as well as with the place overall. And they seem like nice people to work with (I think).

But I'm really not sure if I won't go crazy working in another small, quiet environment.