About Me






Monday, October 31, 2005


Ini mini

Perhaps I should not have had that nescafe ais/ice; otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here playing sudoku and thinking about staying up the entire Monday to balance out my sleeping time.

Then again, if I were to sleep around now, I'd most likely have to listen to my grandaunt and grandmother give me unsubtle hints about my odd sleeping hours, which isn't really a problem except that I never know what their justification for sleeping earlier ever is; only because they never mention it.

My grandaunt is in the hizzouse. To keep my grandmother company and to also spend some time with her before she embarks on a 6 month or more trip to Australia; the very same trip that I'll be embarking on. My cousin is getting married.

My grandmother and my grandaunt are very close. She comes over once in a while and stays a few days; usually whenever I neglect my grandmother, being the bad grandson that I am. I'm kidding, but now that I think of it, I suspect that's why she's here.

Their closeness reminds me of a totally unrelated story from the past. This one time, these few girls were asking me about my brothers and which one bullies me more. On top of that, they asked which one I'd pick to die. And if I didn't pick one, I'd die.

What kind of person poses these kinds of questions to another? So, naturally, I chose not to participate and said that I'd die instead. What the hell is the point to such a question?

This was about 10 years ago. I still remember it; for laughs if not for any other reason. Just because your brothers or sisters pick on you, you don't have to wish death upon them.

The truth is that I couldn't really pick one because they both bullied me as much as the other, and my logic is that if you can't pick neither, then choose the other way out.

In retrospect, I should have questioned them. And insist on an answer just like they did. Only difference is that their siblings probably didn't pick on them which would make it harder to answer.

Sunday, October 30, 2005



Yes, little Chloe loves the ball - no matter what type
of ball! It was the oranges i picked from the ground
and tried to throw them into the compost and she jumps
for them! The neighbour's children lost 2 balls to our
garden and of course, they have yet to see the light
of those balls! p/s Chloe bit into one air ball and
it was of course all flatten and i'm very certain her
face must have been one of disappointment when it
flatten - didn't get the chance to see that! Won't
tell the neighbours tho'!

She also loves to sun-bath in the decks! We have one
in front and another at the back of the house.
Whenever we get a chance to go out, she does too and
sits looking lovely in the sun!!
A letter from the new keepers of Chloe.


Corpse Bride

My MSN nickname: whiterabbit wants to be a corpse bride

A supposed "friend": But you are one already what *inserts giggling emoticon*

Some friend you are :p


Weaning Helloes

It's Halloween today. I never knew or understood the true meaning behind it; unsurprisingly, being one to have never celebrated it before or ever.

I think I was in New Zealand for a visit the last time Halloween was around. I don't think anyone cares as much there as well.

There was, however, one event when these few little girls from our street came knocking on our door requesting candy. It's not cute at all when you do not wear any costumes.

These little girls were probably below the age of 10 years, and run around outside our house causing sheer agony with their playthings--such as balls and whatnot--to my ball-loving doggy. Once the girls start playing, you will have a hard time catching her (the dog, Chloe).

Once in a while they'd most likely feel bored and throw the ball into our compound, resulting in myself fetching it for them. It was no easy task because this dog of ours is fast and small. I realise that this trails off from the halloween topic, but I thought I'd introduce the neighbourly girls in this fashion.

"Trick or treat?" they said.

"What? Oh!" I had a puzzled what-the-hell expression.

"..." while staring blankly at me, as though I knew what to do.

"Let me check if I have candy, wait"

This is when I use my age-old method of sourcing for things. That's right, I asked my mother.

Somehow or rather, they find their way into our kitchen and stumble upon the pantry. It (me) hands the KitKats to the kids...

This is all I can remember, but I think the dog goes crazy upon their entrance into our home. Dying for attention, she usually jumps any visitor who enters the door.

Thankfully, the houses here don't have doors where you can knock on but a doorbell from outside the gate. By the time the doorbell rings, you would have turned off all the lights and hidden all your candy.


Transformers... more than meets the eye... ponies in disguise

You won't see it just yet, but look closer

Amid the entire stack of newly purchased toys and figurines lay two unexpected guests. In a huge stack of transformers and boyish toys, two little ponies roam freely.

This is what the "Rory" tastes like

Congratulations! You found them! They were on the upper left-hand corner of the picture. This post is for Joanne, who I remember to love MLPs.

The picture is courtesy of Justin, who bought the entire load of toys for about RM600ish, from the Hasbro Warehouse Sale in Puchong. The ponies were said to be going for RM5 and up.

Unfortunately, he sold both of the ponies to his colleague. Today is the last day of the sale.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


It's the silent treatment for you the next time...

To motorcyclist (that we hit the other day) concerned,

How are you? Let's get to the point... You should really look before you cut across to the Shell Station on the Bandar Utama Sri Pentas road. Your careless nature resulted in yourself almost getting hurt if not for Phoebe's heavy foot on brake pedal.

I pray (to no God) that your motorcycle did not suffer heavy damages over the little bump we had with you. I think that's most likely not the case since you did not come (over to where we were parked when we were surveying our vehicle for damages) to apologise for having done what you did.

I implore you to look behind the next time you wish to endanger our lives. When all there is is a main road, no traffic lights, and (fast) oncoming vehicles, please advise to look before crossing for you could be mangled (mangoed, heh heh, but that's besides the point). MANGOED!! Who cares about the point now. I just feel like eating mangoes.

Thankfully, you escaped the narrow clutches (pun) of statistics and math. Please be careful next time!

While on the subject of motorcycles, please try not to group up with other fellow motorcyclists for no apparent reason. If for any reason you think sparks from under your bike--while you're riding, of course--is fancy schmancy material for a "rider's guide to congregating" book, my advice to you is to relinquish your kickstand from the tarmac. I have a cricket lighter and am not impressed. I also have a few zippo lighters and would rather watch you play with that than get hurt.

P/S: This one time while I was stuck in traffic, this mc (short for motorcyclist, and not some derogatory racist abbreviation) hit my right-side mirror and rode off with his middle finger addressed to me after I tapped my honk button to almost say, "hey! please apologise with your finger!" Do you know who that was? Was he a friend of yours? He should really learn some manners.




Team America is a total waste of your time. Toilet humour never felt so lengthy. Perhaps I wasn't in the mood for a crap film yesterday. I hope that events unfold better today.

I give a few laughs for the over-exhausted watching-puppets-do-that humour, and the insanely prolonged footage of puppet sex, which makes me think "seed of chucky," though I've not watched it because I wasn't in the mood for a crap film that night either.

Friday, October 28, 2005


Excerpts (ni9e blog)

I like this tag

Funny Stencil


Beautiful boys

Some time back when I came home from the mall, I arrived in time to see my parents, grandmother and aunt sitting down watching a serial drama on the TV. Not just any serial drama, mind you, but a Japanese serial drama. From what I gathered at first glance it was about a high school swimming team. Fancy that, a drama about a high school swimming team. Not just any high school swimming team, but a boys' high school swimming team. Apparently I walked in in the middle of half a dozen half naked young boys wearing nothing but swimming trunks frantically searching about the place for something that went missing. Being a Japanese drama and all, these boys were all really cute, with really hot bodies to die for too. Then I thought about it for awhile, and it dawned on me that these boys were boys. Probably no older than 18 to 20 years of age. And I was gawking at their glistening half naked bodies. Ewwww. Talk about paedophilia. How do guys not feel disgusted when they ogle girls young enough to be their daughter? Yarks.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Rolling Fiction

In my search of a pictured step-by-step tutorial for rolling cigarettes with one hand, I came across several links which didn't really cater to anything cigarette related.

Some on the other hand did have relevance to my subject material, of which I've been looking. However, this isn't a post related to much of the rolling tutorial bits.

I came across a well written essay of some sort with the title "How to Roll a Perfect Cigarette," which had nothing directly related to the title of "HOW TO," sadly.

Written by Jeffrey Osier for InterText, I believe. Apparently, it's a fiction magazine. What the hell kind of genre is that for a magazine?


Something from Post Secret

Sometimes, I wonder.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Horrible album covers

Today, I will post something funny for amusement, maybe yours, maybe mine. Some of you may have already seen this, but whatever - it is still damn hillarious. It's the 10 worst album covers of all time, followed by a sequel, more album covers. The album covers are funny by itself, but the guy's commentary makes it even funnier. Go visit and see for yourself ;)


RE: Replied

Dear Anastasia P.

No, your emails are not a bother. I was very much amused for a few
weeks/months. Some of your forwardings are pretty funny.

I was wondering if it were possible to know why Turk gave you that
address. THAT story also seems to have potential for amusement! You've
been turk'd.

Oh! And another thing: Does the name Jade Enokido strike any chords?
She, too, sends me email from time to time. Also very amusing.

P/S: It's fine to keep sending me stuff.


On 26/10/05, Anastasia Panteleakos wrote:

Y.S. Chan,

I am so sorry, I will contact Turk and horribly abuse him ;) I apologize for
any inconvenience to you and will remove that address from my book
(unless of course my e-mails are a reason for getting up in the morning)
Thank you for replying.



RE: Weird

I don't know if you remember this, but I recently posted some vague post (though I think all my posts are rather vague) about this lady (Anastasia C. P.) who apparently--mistakenly, I believe--sends me email under the impression that I'm someone named Turk.

I was considering sending her an email in response to her countless amusing emails, of which she sent me, but just to say "hi" though and not to cease her emails (because I don't receive any emails with that address). She's apparently my only reason for checking that email address.

Surprisingly, I received an email from her stating that she googled her name and found that particular post but didn't know what to make of it. Therefore, I thought it appropriate to reply, which I did.

Hello Anastasia,

veryhotdays is a blog of mine.

That one post is regarding emails which you've sent to me on an almost regular basis. I have a bunch of email from you, and I've discovered that I am known as "Turk" to you.

Not that I don't enjoy the videos and whatnot your emails contain, the post is just me noticing your emails.

P/S: My name is not Turk. :)



What you looking at?

I've been noticing that for the last few months, people seem to be staring at me. While I'm sitting at the local Chinese coffeeshop having lunch, while I'm hanging out at the mall, while I'm at the mamak with friends...It's so unnerving. What are you looking at?

Now before this post comes off as "perasan", let me first state what is obvious to people who know me. As a person, I am beyond blur. Friends poke fun at me for being so clueless to my surroundings all the time, so I am hardly a candidate to notice such things. In any case, I'm not the only person who notices. Significant Other informs me from time to time that someone's looking at me, and every now and then my friends, and even my colleagues.

Most people (girls, anyway) would probably find all this attention rather flattering. Well, it makes me feel like a leper. And the more I hear of it, the more paranoid I become. It's gotten to the point where I avert my eyes whenever someone seems (well, I can never be too sure, can I?) to be looking at me, take a deep breath to keep my knees from buckling over and fight the urge to run off. It's not just guys either, and sometimes the glare some girls give me for no apparent reason I can see is really disconcerting. Seriously, what did I ever do to you?

Assuming they are staring at me because they like what they see (instead of me looking like a leper), I would really like to know what it is they're seeing. My face is marred by a huge number of acne scars, I have the strangest set of features ever seen on a Chinese face, am too skinny to have any grace, and due to that, have neither tits nor ass.

So really, what do you see? I would really like to know. If nothing else, to convince myself that I don't have to hide my face behind a paper bag every time I go out.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005



I know many who will be very disappointed. With respects to the late wife of our Y.A.B P.M. Posted by Picasa


Contain Yourself

As a sort of follow-up to the recent post about my grandmother and her antics, I give you an experience that you might have also seen before but might not think that it has anything to do with being active.

My other grandmother, whom I don't see as much, also has her very own antics. However, her's are a little bit nore observable. She collects containers. Any sorts of containers. Shampoo bottles, little jars to big jars, and almost anything else that she might fancy.

She's asked me before to save any empty containers for her. Of course I absolutely do no such thing. What I do is: I agree to do just that but know that in a few days-weeks, she'll forget all about it.

She doesn't really do much with these containers aside from forgetting about them and then refinding them months down the line. Once, when she was moving, I found a bunch of these bottles in a drawer (that she had forgotten) and thought that she'd just dispose of them, but she still wanted to keep them.

I wonder what else she collects. I must ask her.



What she saw:

Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: i want a boyfrieeeeeeeend
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: eh?
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: the first 2 came up blank
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says:
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: what the hell
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: your msgs are blank
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: youre doing that on purpose! :p
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: wow that realyl sucks
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: icant read your msgs
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: oh my god
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: is your font set to white?
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: i cant read
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: its coming up blank
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: :(
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says:

What I saw:

Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: i want a boyfrieeeeeeeend
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: lol
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: get alco
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: much better investment :p
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: eh?
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: the first 2 came up blank
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says:
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: huh?
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: first two?
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: what the hell
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: your msgs are blank
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: huh?
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: that's weird
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: youre doing that on purpose! :p
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: am not!
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: wow that realyl sucks
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: icant read your msgs
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: you're doing that on purpose! :p
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: oh my god
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: is your font set to white?
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: no it's not! :p
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: i cant read
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: its coming up blank
Li San - Go back to the rock from under which you came says: :(
whiterabbit wants to go drinking after all this shit is done. anyone? says: :'(



All the late nights at the office recently must be getting to me, because weird thoughts keep floating around in my head. Most of them were unplesant issues that I thought I had gotten over, but then again, if I have then why do I still get worked up over them? None of it had any clarity, and although I was bothered, I'm not sure if I really cared because I am just too tired and stressed out at the moment for anything to really make sense. I can sense it in my other colleagues stuck at work too. We'd be fine early in the day, then by the time 12am rolls around we'll all be weak and vunerable and let our guard down. All it takes is for one inane joke that isn't even remotely funny for us to break out into hysterical giggling fits. I've never really had to work this late for so many days before (the previous post some time back was actually less tiring than this), but to be honest, it's kinda fun. Mostly due to the hysterical giggling fits. Everything just seems funnier when you're dead tired and in dire need of sleep.

At least today we got most of everything done, although not without due stress. Handling my new post is no cakewalk, especially when you have a new colleague to train and very little time this month to finish your work, let alone help someone else out with theirs. Like what a friend of mine has been going through lately, my new post is less work, but a hell lot more stress. At this moment that week-long Deepavali and Hari Raya holiday that I've been longingly looking forward to is slowly slipping away.

Oh well, maybe I'll go drown my thoughts in alcohol after all this is done and over with.

Monday, October 24, 2005



Y.S.Chan says:
I'm going to have a secret.
Y.S.Chan says:
I mean cigarette.
Y.S.Chan says:


Who Hasn't Seen This?

Recently, as my observation is sort of slipping these days, I noticed that my grandmother has either reached a new state of boredom or is on the verge of going mad.

She repainted an entire wall, and then some, in the span of 3 days. The house had the smell that paint gives, which leads me to think that that might have been the reason I say "mad" but I mean no offense.

That's not the mad/bored part. Some time ago as I picked up the cordless phone to make a call, I was very amused to see that there was cellophane tape on the number pad and all, put there to avoid the numbers from fading away.

Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with tape on your phone (if that's your thing), but the tape was cut individually to fit a less-than-one-square-centimeter of key. A lot of time was put into this.

I understood that it was normal to wrap up remotes and whatnot with plastic in attempt to avoid the fading-aways, except that this was an all new form of such behaviour. Almost an art form, even.


Ordinary Folks

[20 Okt, 2005]
Rakyat bersedih -- Kembalinya ke rahmatullah isteri PM, Endon Mahmood
Condolences from ordinary folks and VIPs


WWFive-Foot Way

The other night as I was with my friend at some coffee shop in DU, I noticed that across the street were these two people wrestling on the five-foot way. I only noticed after said friend pointed it out. And after noticing it, I turned my seat around (because the scene was behind me), facing the match. I had no idea what the hell these two clowns were doing, but had front row seats. Score!

Saturday, October 22, 2005




Swear To God: That Cat's Name Is Really Garfield!


Dog Gone


Super Rings



Thursday, October 20, 2005


Open Season

I am ashamed of hypocrisy, though usually on my end because it will affect me. I never quite bothered about anyone else's total disregard for their words (besides my own), or in most cases, lack of realisation.

How often do you set standards (or have standards) whereby you, yourself, disregard and abandon adherence to? I try to keep this minimal and urge that someone point it out if I commited such acts.

That being said, I hope we can all try our best in not making total fools of ourselves. Good luck! It's open season.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Extra Work Part 1.5

It takes me about an hour or so to actually find a location in an area which is relatively unknown (yet local) to me. I had to be at this location for yet another shoot (like the day before).

Fortunately, I had directions; which I couldn't follow because I have a rare disease that usually renders me carefree, resulting in me slipshotting the entire journey from having taken the directions at face value; meaning: I thought the directions were pretty simple, launching me into total disregard of details in the directions.

In the end, I reached my destination (where the shoot was going to be), but it started raining and the scene they wanted with me and the car I was driving couldn't be shot.

Thus, I was left somewhere in Cheras with nothing I set out to do done, and in the rain. I had to oblige these two girls a ride home to UPM on top of not being paid by them today.

And so, I returned the car and tagged along with my friend as he worked his way from Subang to the city, and to some unknown-to-me areas.

The upside of it is that I got paid and did practically nothing but ferry myself to Cheras and two other girls to UPM.


Evienne's wedding

A friend of mine (no prizes for guessing her name) got married two weeks ago. Here are some photos taken at her wedding, courtesy of another friend, Aaron. To be honest, I was pretty nervous about the wedding (nevermind I wasn't the one getting hitched). She had very few tables for her friends, so I had to go alone, and, well, it was the first wedding of a friend that I have ever attended. I had no idea how much money to give, what to do, or even what to wear at her wedding. Worse still, I guess, I had no idea who else was going, and I kept forgetting to call her and ask. So on the day itself, I just took a deep breath, wore something subdued and not-so-formal, and drove myself to Holiday Inn. I felt really jittery and awkward at first, but as it turned out, I didn't need to worry, there were two tables filled with people from college. And dammit, I should have just worn the red dress (if you know, you know. If you don't know, you don't know).

Anyway, on to the photos. Here's the bride and groom, and me:

Yeah, the groom is as drunk as he looks. All these photos were taken after the wedding dinner ended.

Me + Florence the oracle:

Me + the guy who passed me the photos. I'm bending down in this one because, erm, I'm taller than he is. Ah, the bane of all Asian girls and women taller than 5' - short guys hate you:

Immediately after this photo was taken, someone cried out, "You're supposed to BEND DOWN, silly!"

Group photos:

That's about it. There were actually more photos and people, but, erm, well, I only got the photos where I was in it. All in all the wedding was actually really fun and I actually enjoyed myself, despite my initial apprehension. The food and wine was really good too! Deakin Carberet Sauvignon and Turtle Creek Chardonnay. Yummy! Must force myself to remember.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Extra Work

Today, I took on a job as a driver. I had to drive my friend's Mercedez S-Class all the way to Cheras, and then ferry a cameraman, a TV hostess, and her two guests to Sri Hartamas area.

Listening to them perform the taping in the car was just hilarious. Every once in a while, the hostess would mention the names wrongly, and they'd have to do it all over again from the top. As a matter of fact, she did that several times.

The worst part about it was that the A/C would get in the way of their recording and had to be turned off, so as to allow a clearer sound. I was melting, and I believe they felt the same way.

I also had to keep the car moving smoothly in an attempt to keep the cameraman's hands steady. At the end of the day, I had to make an appearance on film as the chauffeur who opens the door for the three fellas in the back.

This was so not worth the money I was paid. I suppose it's only expected that the camera crew would keep you waiting for more than an hour outside a steel trading company in Cheras.


Super Mario Brothers

Granny Ee says that I haven't been torturing my poor friends enough. She also said I should update my blog, so here is a link she suggested I put up for everyone to see: http://asame2.web.infoseek.co.jp/mariof1.html

Go click on the link and make her happy, okay? :p

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Classic Quote by A Good Friend

? says: and i think everyone in the acting industry is either gay or too flamboyant
? says: my god, semalam i went to the astro shoot and it was like a small gay tea party

hahaha, i couldn't stop laughing for ages.

Friday, October 14, 2005



I'm bored.

My cousins are apparently seemingly fluent in Spanish. Note to self: Never say "como estas cousino" again.

There's nothing to do but watch TV or a movie on the PC. I'm awfully fortunate that I have both, plus A/C. Yes, I've stocked up on several Woody Allen flicks to keep me warm during the nights I'm forced to stay home and relive some past childhood memories (plus A/C).

A/C is Air Conditioner, and not Aaron Carter. I also have this foot massager contraption from OSIM. That's right, A/C and foot massager plus a bottle of wine and crap movie on astro. Line up here, please.

It's either that or I sit here corresponding to MSN friends. What kind of MSN friends do you have? I have those who overuse emoticons. There's something awfully wrong with me because I just cannot understand sentences where the only visible words are: Are, You (if I'm lucky), How, and Where. The rest have been substituted with little pictures.

They are probably people who go around complaining about how others just don't understand them. It's just cruel that you've replaced the period (.) with a purple animated bouncing ball. I hate you!

I'm tempted to cut off MSN due to my social decline and deficit of things to say. You do not need emoticons to express "hehehe."

Why don't you do it anyway? That's right! You should just cut off MSN messenger. Hardly anyone corresponds with you anyway. It's obvious the other people are going through lack-of-words syndrome since they're using emoticons most of the time. Yes, great idea!

Watching TV now. I hope you have fun today.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


New Number

To: Jordan Andrews , kathy bono , "boysomething@juno.com" , Jade Enokido (Hello, Jade), Wendy Finlaw , maria folger , j Hanna , "P.J. Joanos" , Lori Rice , Sydney , Turk (Why am I Turk?)

Hi everyone.. just wanted to send out an FYI my cell number has changed to 850-5*1-2**3.
For Nextel subscribers direct connect is 186*3****2*1
...we can all thank Ron for this oh so fun change. :)

Anastasia C. Panteleakos

What's funny is that this was not sent to my deserver gmail, but to my other address. This Turk must be using my address to avoid spam. Clever! She sends me funny jokes as well.

Edit: Apparently, my gmail is set to forward to my other address. Pardon confusion.

My condolences to Joy for the recent bereavement of her father. We're always here if you need anything.

Monday, October 10, 2005


hurray for comics!


The mystery of the toilet paper thief

The office lunch hour crowd was rather small, as half of the office was out for one reason or another. Being Monday, we all looked like zombies with spaced out eyes that scream out "we would like to be somewhere else, please" to anyone who bothers peering into them. Our lunch hour was made more interesting than it could have been, though, when halfway through eating, colleague A raised up his eyebrow and said, "Ok, I need to ask you all a question."

We paused for awhile and looked at him curiously. He looked back at us, and said, "Alright, gimme an honest answer. Who's been stealing all the toilet paper?"

Hmm, a toilet paper thief right in our midst? Interesting.

Shrugging, I said, "Not me, I live at home with my parents, I have my endless supply of toilet paper."

Colleague B shrugged too, and asked, rather increduously, "Who'd want to steal toilet paper?"

At that I laughed and enlightened her about the rampant toilet paper theft back when I was still in college. Whenever the cleaning lady left stacks of toilet rolls in the toilet, stingy students who want to save money to the extent of not buying their own toilet paper would make off with stacks and stacks of it to use at home.

Colleague A laughed. "Yeah, I remember that too," he said. Turning to Colleague C, he asked," Could it be you?"

"Of course not!" she exclaimed. "How am I supposed to bring it home? I carry a transparent briefcase, for god's sake!"

"Yeah, it can't be me either, my bag's too small," Colleague B chimed in.

"I don't carry anything with me, so it's not me," said Colleague D.

Colleague A scratched his head. "Who could it be then?"

Colleague B laughed and said, "Well, I know Ex-Colleague used to steal toilet paper from Colleague E, but I don't think he ever brought it home."

Nodding, I mused, "Hmm, and The Boss always complains that his tissue paper seems to run out so fast, someone must be taking them."

Everyone quietly nodded their heads, taking their time to think it through. Then suddenly Colleague A had a revelation. "I know! It must be Colleague F!" Looking at us, he continued, "See, I have never seen him buy toilet paper, yet he seems to have loads of it! It must be him!"

We nodded our heads again. "But," Colleague B interjected, "how does he take them back home? I've never seen him carry a bag either."

The table went quiet again. Then Colleague D made a motion of lifting his tummy and hiding something underneath.

We burst out with laughter.

"Yeah, maybe," Colleague A snickers. "He's certainly *ahem* 'big' enough to do that."

Stifling a giggle, Colleague B says, "You think?"

"I'm going to have a word with him later." Colleague A grins.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Spilling My Guts

The topic is irrelevant. I am just in advertising mode. Must link headline to image. Actually, I'm breaking the cardinal rule. You're not to state what is pictured, or picture what the headline says, literally. For example, you have a picture of a fish, it's considered bad form to write, "Fishy business." But then again, there are no hard and fast rules in this industry.

I found out today that Yasmin Ahmad has her own blog on here. yasminthestoryteller.blogspot.com I think. I want to be in her film. Unfortunately I think it's already been shot and they're in the process of editing the film :( Hehe, attention-whoring Li San still dreams of being a big star.

Ideally, I want to be a rock star. Not a lame one who has to win a reality TV show contest to front a band that was never that great to begin with (although I must admit I really liked Suzie McNeil, the blonde who covered Bohemian Rhapsody). I wish I could sing like Kelly Clarkson ;(


One Morning...

I got a platinum replacement for the gold chain around my neck at this awesomely funky new departmental store, which deals in anything or everything. The replacement was slightly bigger than the one I have now...

There's a ringing sound, and I wake up from that really strange dream that I'm describing to you above. It's a phone call; Rebekah, from school, six-ish years ago. She mentions something about Tania Tan.

Rebekah was this girl in my Form 2 class. which would make it about eight to nine years since I've been acquainted with her. Acquainted is an overstatement. The fact is that I didn't really know her, even though I had a tuition class with her.

She wasn't a very talkative person, or maybe she was, but you could never quite hear her unless you listened at a closer range. I always thought her shy, therefore made an effort to say "hi" once in a while.

So, she works in the line of graphics in the uptown area, and decided to make a personal call to me that mornafternoon. That was sweet, I feel. You know... the usual what-you-up-to, working-yet conversations that can only be classified as "catching up."

I just didn't expect a call from her at all. given that we've never had a conversation longer than the (possibly) three times I might have asked to repeat her softened words.
Her speech can now be more heard through the telephone.

In the end, I'm glad that she actually took the time in contacting me, albeit for a brief moment; even if it was to catch up or to meet up sometime with Tania.

Come to think of it, how did Tania meet up with her? I also wonder who else she called up.

One more thing: I'm reminded of Boon Ying in Form 1 each time I think of the unspoken bit. Heh heh. Just a little!


Lame joke of the day

Kaizenx(H) says: whatcha doing at work now?
Kaizenx(H) says: btw not busy lor :) just dunwan frens from chatting wit me while working :)
Kaizenx(H) says: but you anytime can :)
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: nothing much lor
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: awww :p
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: go back to work lor
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: i dun wan to disturb you also
Kaizenx(H) says: no lor :p u not disturbing
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: of course i'm not disturbing!
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: hmph :(
Kaizenx(H) says: :p
Kaizenx(H) says: you psycho baiting woman! :p
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: where got!
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: i don' t fish *-)
Kaizenx(H) says: ........
whiterabbit worships the church of the flying spaghetti monster says: (A)
Kaizenx(H) says: :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Overheard @ Work

Hehe, that almost looks like a gig @ venue type dealy. I'm at work, about to leave. Hungarian guy is blasting Dire Straits, which PeteyETParakeetypandarabbitduckpoo would love! I just wish I had sound on my fucking ancient PC. Can't stand this anymore. Tomorrow I am bringing my CD player.

If you work, you must dread the hour after lunch. You know what I'm talking about. You're all ready to get back to work, but your eyelids droop like Christina Ricci's breasts and before you know it, you're drooling over your hand. No amount of blinking or shaking about seems to work, so you resort to disgusting instant coffee.

OOH! Dire Straits - Romeo & Juliet is playing! I love this song, such nice lyrics *sigh* "You promised me everything, you promised me thick and thin, now you just say, oh Romeo, yea I used to have a scene with him."

Once I started to write a story based on the lyrics, but melodrama took over and held it hostage. So anyway, back to coffee. I overheard a conversation in the office pantry. Not that I was being a S-N-double O-P, if you're standing there and people are talking at normal volume, it's not considered eavesdropping. It was a boring conversation about snacks but a couple of lines taken out of context cracked me up.

Lady 1 is spreading some good ol' peanut butter on a slice of bread. "It's that time of month when you feel like eating nuts." HEHEHE, NUTS!1

She goes on to tell her friend, who happens to be eating some watermelon, "Put some on your melons."

(No, she wasn't referring to the PB.)

Have I mentioned I hate this fucking piece of shit computer? It's so goddamn slow sometimes. There are 3 writers here, with 3 crappy computers, and only 1 decent replacement. We had a mini discussion over who would get this 1 decent replacement. I, being the nice person I am, offered to sacrifice my sanity as someone else had a crappier computer. Now I'm not so sure. Right after, I was attacked by the Blue Screen of Death. You know, this prehistoric contraption is so old I am stuck with a choice of 2 equally medieval keyboards as none of the others have the same plug thingy.




I think all Malaysians would agree with me if I said Malaysian drivers are a sad, incompetent lot. After all, you see it on the road everyday, and no matter how used to it you try to get, someone some incompetent fool somewhere will make your blood boil. Ever wondered why people seem so stressed? Nope, it is not their job that drives them mad (pardon the pun), but the ever-present display of incompetence they experience on the drive to and from work.

For instance, this morning I was driving my car in the basement parking lot of my workplace looking for a space to park my car in. While going downwards towards basement level 3, at the turn that you take to drive down a level was an unmoving Kelisa. The side had hit the pillar, probably because the driver took the turn at the wrong angle. Beside it was a distressed looking woman. In front of my car was a Proton, probably looking to take the same turn as I did. The Kelisa reversed out a bit before it made a better turn and moved down the slope with enough clearance, then it stopped and a man got out. The woman looked relieved, smiled at the man, and got into her car. That was when I realized what had happened: the woman had scraped the pillar, and had no idea what to do, and the kind man got out of his car to help her out.

If your jaw hadn't dropped yet due to the obvious incompetent driving, read on because it gets worse. Said relieved woman got into her car, kind samaritan got into his car, things are resolved and done right? Nope. Both the samaritan and I sat in the car and waited for about three full minutes while the Kelisa sat there on the slope, not moving. Then the door opened and the woman stepped out again. She looked at the Proton and shrugged.

At this point I ready to strangle her. I wanted to scream, "WOMAN, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!!" but refrained from doing so. At this point another car had come behind the Proton, but after careful observation of the situation at hand the smart guy decided to reverse out and take the other way. I decided to follow suit as there was enough clearance for me to pass by the Proton, nevermind that I'm not really supposed to do that.

At the point of telling this story, I am still pissed. If you don't have the confidence to drive or are THAT incompetent while driving, maybe you should just get someone else to drive you or take the public transport. Or if you really want to drive and improve so you are not so incompetent then maybe you should just practice by driving around your housing estate with a guide first, not make such an ass out of yourself and inconvenience people by doing something so utterly stupid. Thanks to her, I now know just HOW incompetent some idiots can be. Idiot.


Contact: Jade Enokido?

Someone searched up Jade Enokido and this site is the first hit on the search. I feel as though I've made contact with Jade herself or something because the user who queried this is from the USA, where I suspect Jade is from as well.

Jade Enokido is the name of a person (in the USA), who occasionally sends me email under some impression that I am her friend "Turk," which is the name I appear as to her.

I posted some pictures she forwarded to me a time ago. They're in the archives somewhere. She still occasionally sends me email, but rarely of late. Hello, Jade!


I Know You Like It!

I have a sneaky suspicion that you like the new masthead above. I like it just as much. I have a few more if, and when you get tired of them.


Paintball pictures (finally)

I have finally gotten ahold of the pictures of the paintball event that were taken by Evan (whose site can be found here). He takes really nice pictures, so feel free to go check out his site.

This picture was taken on the LRT on the way to Bukit Jalil. That's me, Nick and Adjay in the picture.

My team members.



For some weird reason, I thought this picture was cute.

This is where I show my uber Photoshop skills to touch up myself to make me look better (because as everyone knows, I am fugly). After all, I didn't spend a year and a half at a publishing company for nothing. Muahahahahaha. Gary said I looked like a Chinese porn star in this picture. Bitch.

And finally....

LOL. Sorry dude, I couldn't help myself. If you want me to take it down feel free to take it out verbally on me :p I'm not THAT mean, after all.

There were a lot more pictures than this, but unfortunately I don't have them on me yet. Will post again when I get them.

Edit: Took down the group photo on request.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Hahahaha this is so funny! I am an instant convertee.


I Bet...

It doesn't look like a rest-area next to the highway in Malaysia after a little editing, does it?
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Malaysia's Very Own

I never knew this before that day
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Look At The Kids In The Other Car