About Me
Monday, February 21, 2005
The night as I remember it
The night didn't go too well. I remember playing blackjack and somehow was persuaded into allowing RM50 bets. Having to dish out three times the amount of RM50 is no fun, but was fair. I don't even remember if one of them still owes me money.
An average day during CNY I would say; playing cards, being obnoxious and saying all sorts of rubbish. You know; normal stuff. One day this year will end. And a whole bunch of rubbish would need to be explained and elaborated to fit in to sensible perspective.
I remember now that I have some JW Black Label downstairs. Pondering over the idea now as I sit here, way too close to the monitor for my own good or rather. He decides to find some other form of fun. Something calming. Something to help him sleep. That poor bastard.
He's been bored for years. Which he would like to blame for certain oddish statements such as the noise. Its no longer that hard for him to amuse himself in a crowd. More realised was the kid in retrospect that everyone doesn't seem to have similar feelings. It could be that too much was placed in expectation.
Is Cheras too far for a drive? Who the hell knows the way damn it?
After tonight, I'm contemplating on how much of what I say do people take too personally. Do I anger them? Are my actions too out-of-control?
And the blabbing bloggers getogether was nice and pleasant. Got to meet several slightly renown blog artists, if ever.