About Me
Friday, April 29, 2005
The contents of my fun
My phone rang; 15:56 on the clock; It appeared to be "Chong Ee Von My2" on the wire. "What Roger Sanchez signing? Why would I want to go? Free tickets? No. Yes. Alright, I'll tag along." Little did I know at the time there was free beer involved (Lucky me). Who would turn down free beer? You would have to be barking mad to turn down free beer! Or sick with some problem, which this statement applies not to you.
An SMS: Nouvo party event free flow. Something along those lines. Far be it for me to decline such a warm and considerate gesture.
18ish on the clock in the car whilst inching towards KLCC and neither of us knew the way. Actually, I did, but just didn't know at the time. More suburban than I would like to be and more urban would I be to like. 20-30 minutes later were we at the concourse level of KLCC. Pathetic to not know our way around town.
Tower Records: No sign of Sanchez; we obtained our cold Heiiinieees. C.E.Von waves to her friends Onn Seng, Rita, and others (I've forgotten the rest). I don't know if that's any coincidence with the Heineken dispenser-man dispenseringating the bottles with his method of unbottle-capping and wiping down the droplets off the bottle. He obviously went to beer school.
Four beers later, a half hour or more, and no sight of our star: A wait that everyone was willing to take as sure as the sun with the fun. Ee Von flirting with Daryl B. Brought on by me saying loudly, "Handsome wat, handsome wat!" A look of recognition by the DB to the EV. Not a moment later, they were conversing on a pseudo-familiar plain.
We are queueing up for autographed posters. Bored, by then, my mind wanders for something to eat; Arrived then - a kinky blue fairy Joyce, whom I've never met before - but have seen around. Met her later and remembered that Joanne works at the same place she does. She says, "With Joanne, yes, very nice girl." To which I said "Do you really think so?" or something like that. I don't know why, though. Sorry for that.
We sit at McDonald's for my dinner. This fella needed to sober up. I wouldn't have drank gluttony if she had told me that she might not be able to drive on the way back. Imagine this: Both unknowingly directing each other to a way home; we ended up at Penchala Link, which according to everyone in the world is pretty far from the quickest route back to our neighbourhood. On top of that, D.U.I. I vow to know the streets better. I will no longer live in a place where the streets have no name. I never come to town.
I decided to mellow out and wait for later, unsure if later was going to come. It did.
Later, that day: Phone rings.
Me: Ah! How?
Not Me: I'm outside. (I hear a muffled hi/hello in the background)
Me: Ok. Coming.
Why is Shao Ming doing in front of my door? He needed to urinate, in my bathroom, no less. That's not what I meant! What I meant was that I didn't know he was coming. I was supposed to be shocked, I guess. Justin, too! Funny. Much appreciated was this.
Free drinks at Nouvo. This is all I want to write on that. V.I.P. seemingly packed. But what do I know? I don't come to these places. Reaffirmed, is that, at the end of this night.
Justin picks the spot next to my shoe to regurgitate his lunch + dinner on. That wouldn't be so funny if we weren't sitting in Lotus or whatever the hell that place is called, at Bangsar, having supper. Shaking around, moving real mad-tripping-like in the front seat, slamming the gears into Neutral every minute or so, was what he was doing moments earlier before we arrived. Not forgetting to mention the rear-view mirror.
End of the day, I get a nice massage; And that is excellent isn't it? You'd like that wouldn't you? You'd love it. Thanks for reading. Hope you could have pictured it like it was.
It's 6:35A.M. now and I doubt that the fella is awake to go for a walk in the hills. It's Friday; I guess I'll just watch Gilmore Girls, episode 19.