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Monday, April 18, 2005
[Dream] 16-03-2005 M&M's Slurpee (erratically unedited)
There was food sold on the side of the streets and we (A bunch of friends that I don't know and I) were hanging in front of. I remember the deep fried prawns and how someone tried to take one and was told off by the lady running the stand. Was in this seven eleven sort of store and there were these m&m's slurpee drinks and a bunch of those toys such as guns and the like. I remember playing and chasing a bunch of people. I saw a lot of people I DO NOT know as well and also their faces. One looked like xxxx xxxx. We took one of the rifle toys and started playing with them and 3 of us (me an two other unknowns) started chasing each other. Actually it was just hte other two where one was trying to shoot the other and did. I remember hearing an "ow". However, I was shot in the face and it didn't enve register a feeling. Which should have been a sign that it was a dream. Had to eat some tapioca rice and luckily there was chocolate cake. I don't remember much but I don't think I was able to eat the cake. The idea of the tapioca rice thing or whatever the hell it was, was playing in my mind. I could even remember a damned article about how this one man ate it and it is the bare necessities of living and all that crap. This guy named Michael 'Something' and how he ate it for days to avoid hunger and all to see how far he can take it. 11 days or something. Can't remember. Frames of little flags and pictures on a street side bar thing. So strange. I can't quite recall the things that were in the frames. Most I remember right now was that there was a flag. A very little one and a bunch of other stickers or cut outs of pictures. It was very strange. I didn't quite notice it when I was there at the time because I was apathetic but then I slowly started to look at it. It was mesmerising. Until another part of the dream took over the attention. I really can't recall the stickery things. Just that I was tehre with this girl and I had my arms around her shoulders and her man friend, this big white dude, said something this and something that. In the dream, I didn't dislike chocolate one bit. Looking over the m&m slurpee and all. I was also wearing my east india plaid design. Or whatever its called. The shirt was under another tshirt or something. Perhaps jacket. Woke up halfway realising I left my dishes and stuff in front of the television. Poor old grandma had to clean up after me and all. Might have left the air conditioning on as well.