About Me






Thursday, July 14, 2005


Rings, what pretty things!

Last Saturday I went out shopping at Mid Valley Megamall with a good friend of mine.While we were there we stopped by Diamond Platinum to admire the shiny, pretty things being displayed in the shop window, and the ever helpful assistant handed us a brochure. In it, among other things, were pretty rings, in matching sets of his and hers. Since my friend didn't want the brochure, I took it home with me.

When my boyfriend came over later, I showed the brochure to him. Look, I said. Such pretty rings.

He looked at me suspisciously and said,"Are you hinting something?"

"Of course not!," was my very indignant reply.

Well, that was a lie. I was trying to hint that in case you ever want to surprise me with one of these in the future, pretty please let it be one that is simple,elegant and understated in nature so that I may wear it out and happily coo about it to my friends and family without having to worry about getting robbed due to the size of the rock on my finger. Not to mention that it would show how much you understand me, and knowing that is worth so much more than the biggest precious rock money can buy.

Oh, and it would also help if the rings fits.