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Saturday, August 06, 2005
Condom endorsement TVCs
I once had a conversation with someone (I don't quite remember who know) about how sick and tired we were of advertisements that used people, celebrities or otherwise to endorse their products. A typical ad sees a cheery person chirping,"Hi! My name is X. My life before this was quite horrible. Then I found Y product. It made my life better and now I'm a much better person! Try Y product now, and you will never regret it!"
So we were chatting about this topic when I had a rather disturbing idea for an endorsed TVC: condoms! This was how my imagined condom endorsement ad would go:
Setup: Big hunky half-naked guy with winsome smile and blond hair stands in front. Behind him is a zoomed out view of two people making love with muffled moaning noises in the background, while someguy is filming with a camera and screaming "Cut! That was a good take!"
Scene 1: Hunk smiles and says,"Hi, my name is XXX, and I'm a famous actor in the porn industry. As we all know, the porn industry is a dangerous place to work in, with all that kind of scenes we have to shoot. Especially in modern times, where you not only have to worry about pregnancies, but now STDs and worse still, HIV/AIDS!"
Scene 2: Hunk whips out Brand X condom pack and chirps,"That's why I use Brand X Condoms! It not only keeps me safe from all these worries, but it's designed to improve my performance and well as enhance sensation for both partners! Plus what's also great about them is they never break, so you never have to worry!" Hunk winks and smiles, and says,"Who better to trust on things like this than someone who uses them all the time? Trust me, because I know! That's my secret," points at camera,"and now it's yours too!"
Scene 3: Someone yells,"XXX, get over here!" Hunk winks and smiles at camera again and moves away. Screen fades to black, and Brand X condom appears on screen complete with cheesy tagline.