About Me






Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I see dead people

Or rather, in this case, I see dying people. In my sleep. Again. For those not familiar with me, every now and then I dream of death, whether it is my own or of other people. I've been stabbed to death in the back, someone has jumped from a balcony and landed in front of me, and I've murdered a slew of people with my own hands. This time it was an entire village of Chinese people in the Han dynasty who all decided to die, one by one, because they were depressed, even if it was for just a small reason, like, say, their pet dog died. So I watched them hang themselves to death, one by one, as if the death of these people were a disease that affected the entire village.

Now before anyone runs away screaming the next time they see me, relax, I've checked out books dealing on the subject of dreams before. All death signifies, apparently, is change. So I have no reason to worry, and neither does anyone else, unless you are already psychotic, then I cannot help you either.

It made me wonder, after I woke up, if I dreamt about death because I have been thinking about resigning from my current job soon, or maybe if it is because my very x10 good friend is going back to the US of A tomorrow, or if it's because my job has been boring me to death and I really cannot take it anymore. Or of course, it could be that I'm psychic and I sense a disturbance in the force! Though that is highly unlikely, even if this is the Hungry Ghost Month.

Whatever it is, I do know one thing: my morning is ruined.