That's somewhat of an oxymoron. Is a dream ever so crystal clear in meaning that you can fully comprehend it without the need for any reference or hours of pondering? Like a crystal, the answer is, extremely rare. Even if you were to dream of something like, say, milking a cow. What the hell does that mean?

1) What does the cow signify? You? Your mother? Just a bovine creature?
2) Why are you milking? Are you looking for comfort? Are you lacking calcium and nutrients?
3) Is the cow black and white? Brown? Do you even dream in colour?
I wouldn't know, since I've never ever dreamt of a cow. Not that I recall. And if I did, I wouldn't have a clue. But I've been having dreams that appear straightforward. This morning's was quite stupid:

Rob and I were playing World of Warcraft (huzzah, orc shaman!) when I asked him for help with a particularly tough quest. As he had already completed this mission and was a level or two above me, he curtly declined.
And as if that weren't silly enough, the second part of the dream involved him waiting for me to get ready to go somewhere. I can't remember where, but it was someplace fun! We were all excited about it, yet for some reason, I took
ages to get dressed. I wasn't taking my own time, in fact, I was hurrying. However, all my movements were in slow motion, and the only thing I could do was watch in dismay through the top slowly slipping over my head: Rob was growing impatient. First there were small smiles - hey, she just wants to look nice. Then came the foot tapping, the headshaking, and finally, the walking away. And the shitty thing was, I was STILL half dressed.
I could analyse this to death, but I won't. It's quite obvious to me what the dream conveys: my desperate need to stop overanalysing and worrying. Either that, or I'm just slow.