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Sunday, August 14, 2005
No Title
People of the state rejoice! The rain has come, and even gone, for now it has taken the haze away and cleansed the rooftops. The sky, and I mean the real sky, is visible once more.A cat was resting on my A/C unit outside. I nudged it when it wasn't looking. It went away. I like cats. I didn't mean to chase it away, but it was startled. And so, like all startled things, it ran away.
In retrospect, last night was not as dramatic as I might have thought. Today seems more dramatised; with the rain and all. Loud-heavy rainfall kept me in for the whole afternoon. And don't forget the entire cat story above.
Cherry: Having accidentally thrown important bank statements out months and not knowing they were important, I feel it a nice addition to this day. There's no way of retrieving them now. Unless...
Does anyone know if it's possible to get EON Bank to resend you the credit statements received for the passed few weeks-months?