About Me
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
*Outhouse Story
My key wouldn't open the sliding door. Someone had obviously locked the door. Phoebe was just sitting there watching as I, with a storm brewing in my pants, stressfully turn the key clockwise and anti-clockwise in desperate frustration.
"So close yet so far..." she said.
I could not agree more. Concurrence to such an extent as not laughing.
"It'd be a lot worse if I was stoned." I say as I imagine the story playing out, which is pretty much the same as this, only with laughter and much confusion.
And so ensued her laughing at me. But with empathetic affection, of course.
So, I had to go elsewhere to do my business, and that's all I want to say about that, besides not liking it all that much. I went back to try the lock later in the morning, but to no avail. It was a few minutes passed 7AM when I decided to go elsewhere to sleep.
And no matter how many times I told my grandma that the lock was broken, and not the key, the only thing she can repeat is that I have the key. I returned home to hysterical laughter. Naturally, they were laughing at me. I didn't like that.
As I was leaving the house around 2AM earlier, I saw the reason why I was stuck out of the house. Twas my drunk uncle staggering into the house muttering, "So late ah?" And to which I said "You're the late one," twice as he couldn't hear me. I got a "I'm bloody drunk" in return. Who just comes out and say that?
I'll tell you an almost similar funny story. I was watching TV downstairs one night when my uncle came back drunk, though this time he didn't state that he was. I hear his arrival, and so, I went to open the door to see him outside urinating into the drain. He couldn't wait, just like me. I'm a victim of some weird chain of toilet mishaps, which can only be linked with not being able to open doors, and an uncle.