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Friday, September 16, 2005



Yesterday I had an MSN conversation about crazy people with Yew Seng here. We were chatting about the borders between reality and delusion. I said it was a fine line. Yew Seng said it was not, because things were real because everyone can see it, and things were not real if only the delusional person can see it but everyone else can't. Yew Seng then said thus the delusional person is certifiably crazy. I said that it is still real to the delusional person because s/he can see it. I then said it was a clear cut case of tyranny by majority, because just because everyone else can't see it so they think they must be right because they are in bigger numbers. Yew Seng then came close to calling me crazy, but decided to say he had to go instead (yes, I know you think I'm crazy and want to avoid me :p).

I didn't speak to you also.
Tyranny by majority. Sounds like democracy to you right? Hee.
I know, but we were talking about events :p Events aren't so clear because you know how everyone has a different version of events. Something like that. Was being a nutcase anyway :p
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