About Me






Sunday, September 18, 2005



Holy buttocks, I'm lazy.

Haven't written about the fun times with Truth/Dare or at the water park in Tambun. Will do it sometime.

For now I'm content (or not really, which is WHY I am) listening to Mariah Carey's "Someday."

Had a great time with friends in Ipoh over the weekend, and what did I do? The moment I got home, I checked to see if I had any email from him. Sad. Nothing, as (once again, not really) expected. It's like checking the papers to confirm for the 3872857th time you haven't won the lottery.

One day I'll be successful and working in the US, Rob and I will meet for drinks and fall MADLY IN LOVE WITH ME. But then I'll tell him *cues dramatic music* SORRY I'M ENGAGED as I introduce him to the CK underwear model I hired to be my 'vineyard owner fiance.' ;p

Hopefully I won't have to hire anyone. Or even want to see him again. If I did, I would be a very, very sad person. I must recheck my list of qualities I want in a partner, and get it in my thick head that he failed miserably.

And whenever this rollercoaster of recovery takes me on another spiral downward, I must remember:

Baldness runs in his family.