About Me
Thursday, October 06, 2005
I think all Malaysians would agree with me if I said Malaysian drivers are a sad, incompetent lot. After all, you see it on the road everyday, and no matter how used to it you try to get, someone some incompetent fool somewhere will make your blood boil. Ever wondered why people seem so stressed? Nope, it is not their job that drives them mad (pardon the pun), but the ever-present display of incompetence they experience on the drive to and from work.
For instance, this morning I was driving my car in the basement parking lot of my workplace looking for a space to park my car in. While going downwards towards basement level 3, at the turn that you take to drive down a level was an unmoving Kelisa. The side had hit the pillar, probably because the driver took the turn at the wrong angle. Beside it was a distressed looking woman. In front of my car was a Proton, probably looking to take the same turn as I did. The Kelisa reversed out a bit before it made a better turn and moved down the slope with enough clearance, then it stopped and a man got out. The woman looked relieved, smiled at the man, and got into her car. That was when I realized what had happened: the woman had scraped the pillar, and had no idea what to do, and the kind man got out of his car to help her out.
If your jaw hadn't dropped yet due to the obvious incompetent driving, read on because it gets worse. Said relieved woman got into her car, kind samaritan got into his car, things are resolved and done right? Nope. Both the samaritan and I sat in the car and waited for about three full minutes while the Kelisa sat there on the slope, not moving. Then the door opened and the woman stepped out again. She looked at the Proton and shrugged.
At this point I ready to strangle her. I wanted to scream, "WOMAN, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!!" but refrained from doing so. At this point another car had come behind the Proton, but after careful observation of the situation at hand the smart guy decided to reverse out and take the other way. I decided to follow suit as there was enough clearance for me to pass by the Proton, nevermind that I'm not really supposed to do that.
At the point of telling this story, I am still pissed. If you don't have the confidence to drive or are THAT incompetent while driving, maybe you should just get someone else to drive you or take the public transport. Or if you really want to drive and improve so you are not so incompetent then maybe you should just practice by driving around your housing estate with a guide first, not make such an ass out of yourself and inconvenience people by doing something so utterly stupid. Thanks to her, I now know just HOW incompetent some idiots can be. Idiot.