Jordan Andrews , kathy bono , "" , Jade Enokido (Hello, Jade), Wendy Finlaw , maria folger , j Hanna , "P.J. Joanos" , Lori Rice , Sydney , Turk (Why am I Turk?) Hi everyone.. just wanted to send out an FYI my cell number has changed to 850-5*1-2**3. For Nextel subscribers direct connect is 186*3****2*1
...we can all thank Ron for this oh so fun change. :)
Anastasia C. Panteleakos
What's funny is that this was not sent to my deserver gmail, but to my other address. This Turk must be using my address to avoid spam. Clever! She sends me funny jokes as well.
Edit: Apparently, my gmail is set to forward to my other address. Pardon confusion.