I have finally gotten ahold of the pictures of the paintball event that were taken by Evan (whose site can be found here). He takes really nice pictures, so feel free to go check out his site. This picture was taken on the LRT on the way to Bukit Jalil. That's me, Nick and Adjay in the picture.
My team members.
For some weird reason, I thought this picture was cute.
This is where I show my uber Photoshop skills to touch up myself to make me look better (because as everyone knows, I am fugly). After all, I didn't spend a year and a half at a publishing company for nothing. Muahahahahaha. Gary said I looked like a Chinese porn star in this picture. Bitch.
And finally....
LOL. Sorry dude, I couldn't help myself. If you want me to take it down feel free to take it out verbally on me :p I'm not THAT mean, after all.
There were a lot more pictures than this, but unfortunately I don't have them on me yet. Will post again when I get them.
Ahh! the first person i saw was GARY! you still hang out wiht him? say hi to him for me! wonder if he remembers me
# Commented by:Li San C. : Thursday, October 06, 2005 3:42:00 am
You look bigger in your picture.
# Commented by:YSCHAN : Thursday, October 06, 2005 3:55:00 am
I put on some weight :D
Yup, I still hang around with him every now and then. Will say hi to him for you the next time I meet up with him.
# Commented by:whiterabbit : Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:29:00 am
better yet, bring me along.
don't you just love how i unabashedly try to invite myself along? ^_^
# Commented by:Li San C. : Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:56:00 am
Sure, you can come along, but I will not be held responsible for any possible boredom that may result from us talking about the latest games and other gaming news that may be out :p
# Commented by:whiterabbit : Thursday, October 06, 2005 1:33:00 pm