Dear Anastasia P.
No, your emails are not a bother. I was very much amused for a few
weeks/months. Some of your forwardings are pretty funny.
I was wondering if it were possible to know why Turk gave you that
address. THAT story also seems to have potential for amusement! You've
been turk'd.
Oh! And another thing: Does the name Jade Enokido strike any chords?
She, too, sends me email from time to time. Also very amusing.
P/S: It's fine to keep sending me stuff.
On 26/10/05, Anastasia Panteleakos wrote:
Y.S. Chan,
I am so sorry, I will contact Turk and horribly abuse him ;) I apologize for
any inconvenience to you and will remove that address from my book
(unless of course my e-mails are a reason for getting up in the morning)
Thank you for replying.