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Wednesday, October 26, 2005


What you looking at?

I've been noticing that for the last few months, people seem to be staring at me. While I'm sitting at the local Chinese coffeeshop having lunch, while I'm hanging out at the mall, while I'm at the mamak with friends...It's so unnerving. What are you looking at?

Now before this post comes off as "perasan", let me first state what is obvious to people who know me. As a person, I am beyond blur. Friends poke fun at me for being so clueless to my surroundings all the time, so I am hardly a candidate to notice such things. In any case, I'm not the only person who notices. Significant Other informs me from time to time that someone's looking at me, and every now and then my friends, and even my colleagues.

Most people (girls, anyway) would probably find all this attention rather flattering. Well, it makes me feel like a leper. And the more I hear of it, the more paranoid I become. It's gotten to the point where I avert my eyes whenever someone seems (well, I can never be too sure, can I?) to be looking at me, take a deep breath to keep my knees from buckling over and fight the urge to run off. It's not just guys either, and sometimes the glare some girls give me for no apparent reason I can see is really disconcerting. Seriously, what did I ever do to you?

Assuming they are staring at me because they like what they see (instead of me looking like a leper), I would really like to know what it is they're seeing. My face is marred by a huge number of acne scars, I have the strangest set of features ever seen on a Chinese face, am too skinny to have any grace, and due to that, have neither tits nor ass.

So really, what do you see? I would really like to know. If nothing else, to convince myself that I don't have to hide my face behind a paper bag every time I go out.

Sounds pretty strange.
Take a picture next time. :D
better than going completely unnoticed. or maybe not. i hate when losers stare at your chest.
Stare back at them. Or if they are real obvious about them, ask them,"What? Do I have a nipple growing on my face or what?"
Ee: Urm, at the rate my face is going, I DO have nipples growing on my face. LOL.

Li San: I don't get that, because I have no chest for people to stare at.

Nick: Yarrrghhh I knew it! Paperbag, here I come! :'(
start charging people for looking ^_^

(does anyone else find the word verification feature annoying?)
I do not. I don't like getting ads in my email from comments on the post.


The previous posts have been attacked by some spam bot bug thing. :P
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