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Sunday, November 20, 2005
The Machinist
Every now and then, when I read through movie reviews, watch trailers, or hear about movies from my friends, a particular movie would catch my attention and convince me that it is so unbelieveably good that I can hardly wait to catch it at the cinema. And every now and then, the excitement that consumes me will make me overlook certain elements in a movie that I don't want to watch simply because I don't like watching movies like that. Take, for example, the first Resident Evil movie.When it came out I was so excited. OMG!! It's Resident Evil!! A movie!! MUUSSTTT WATTCCHHHH!! So I went to catch it at the cinema with a bunch of likewise-enthusiastic friends, and the moment the movie began so did a gnawing feeling inside of me that I shouldn't be there. It wasn't because the movie was bad, but rather because I hate mindlessly gory scenes. That gnawing feeling was instantly validated the moment everything went wrong in the laboratory and people started dying horribly, the most gory scene being the part where that woman's head got chopped off by the elevator. At that point I simply went: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?? YARRGHGHGGHGHGHG!!
The Machinist was exactly like that. From the moment I read the movie synopsis it had me in its thrall, and I couldn't rest until I had watched the movie. What I didn't count on, and probably slipped my mind yet again, was how incredibly disturbing the movie was going to be. It was the same reason why I never watch horror movies, and the same reason why I don't read that many books dealing with horror - not because they are horrific in themselves, but because my mind loves playing tricks on me afterwards, particularly when I turn off the lights to go to sleep and everything is dark and quiet.
Although not a horror movie, The Machinist was certainly filmed like one. I would say more but to give things away is to spoil the whole experience of watching it. What I can say, however, is that the movie is really good, despite making me want to shut my eyes, curl up into a ball and scream, "YOU'RE NOT REAL, DAMMIT, GET AWAY FROM MEEEEE!!!" and babble like a madman the entire way. Although the movie does inexplainably lack that special something that makes a movie special. Still, it is very much worth the watch, if nothing else to see Christian Bale's walking skeleton, before he completely transformed himself few months later into the monstrous hulk that is Batman. To the people out there who think I am so skinny that when the wind blows I will topple over, in the movie Christian Bale was so thin that if he was any thinner he wouldn't exist. He himself is freaky enough, even when you take him out of the context of the movie. My GOD.