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Monday, December 12, 2005


The one where Darth Vader turns into a scorpion at the end of every level

A few days ago, while chatting to random colleague #1 about video games we played while we were little kids, I wondered aloud about a particular Star Wars game on the Nintendo that despite searching for it multiple times, I could never find, mostly because I couldn't remember the name. As I told him, it was the one where Darth Vader turns into a scorpion at the end of every level. His reply was "WTF? What the hell is that?? ...What sort of games did you play when you were little?"

Well, at least I didn't play Kirby's Adventures. When he told me to go play it (because all girls like Kirby's Adventures, apparently), I nearly keeled over from a sugar overdose caused by the cuteness. It did look somewhat familiar, but I don't remember ever playing it, because if I did, I would be this nice, sweet young woman who adores the colour pink, plush toys, and everything else that is sugar and spice and everything nice, instead of the angry emo bitch I am today.

I do, however, remember playing a lot of Ghouls N' Ghosts, which might explain my very lame sense of humour.

Lol. Do you want me to match your list? Since I probably can, nevermind I'm four years younger :p
Stop spamming on my blog! :p
Hmmm and random colleague #1 didn't get mad at you for calling him that ? That's hardly fair; he bitched at me for the longest time over it :P

And no, I'd never played Kirby's Adventure either. I can't even stand RayMan, the colors killed my eyeballs
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