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Monday, February 20, 2006


Oh dear

Feeling intensely curious one day, I decided to google up the ingredients of the hoity toity food I had the "chance" to sample last Monday. If anything, now I feel very guilty. Take a look at what I found:

Saffron - The most expensive spice in the world. The Saffron filaments, or threads, are actually the dried stigmas of the saffron flower, "Crocus Sativus Linneaus". Each flower contains only three stigmas. These threads must be picked from each flower by hand, and more than 75,000 of these flowers are needed to produce just one pound of Saffron filaments, making it the world's most precious spice.

In my head I imagine entire forests being destroyed in order to satiate the hunger of 10-15 tables of people, who merely looked at the brown jelly, popped in a mouthful, spit it out and refused to touch it ever again. *headdesk*

Edit: Dammit, I keep forgetting to post this. Check out my colleague's blog for her hillarious review of the dinner.