About Me






Sunday, April 09, 2006


Mistaken identity

Update on my status for those who don't know yet - I took up Kel's friend's job offer. It's still a pretty small office, but at least it lacks all the bullshit that 'graveyard' company had. Two days into the job, I observe that the office lady seems to live on air, and the other two (besides Kel's friend, who I'll just refer to thereafter as Z for the sake of brevity) aren't in most of the time. Thankfully, however, Z eats. So for the two days I've been at work I have been eating lunch with him.

On Friday we were at this Chinese restaurant which only had huge round tables, so we sat down awkwardly at one which could probably seat ten people. After ordering his food he ran out to take a call, and I was sitting by myself thinking of what to order when the waitress approached me and asked in Cantonese if we would mind moving to another table because they had more customers coming in. I obliged and moved everything, sat down again, decided that the safest option on the menu for me at the moment was the same thing Z just ordered, so I asked for the same thing.

"Oh, the exact same thing as your boyfriend?" the lady asked.

I immediately turned and stared at her with my mouth open.

For five full seconds.

It felt liked an eternity had passed before I opened my mouth to correct her, then shut it because, well, it doesn't make a difference, right? So I just nodded my head and said yes.

Strangely, I mostly hung around guys in college and I'm actually used to people mistaking them for my boyfriend everytime I go out on a one-on-one basis with them. Still, this one somehow came as a shock. Well, maybe because I'm attached now. Or maybe because I haven't hung around with guys on a one-on-one basis for quite awhile. Or possibly because I don't know Z well enough to be comfortable with the fact that people can mistake me for his girlfriend just because I'm female.

So when I got home, I sat down and thought about it for awhile. And decided that hey, this is probably blogging material. So now the internet knows another few trivial, unimportant details about my life.

Just go "LOL NOOB!" at the waitress.
The best about being your ex boss is that I know your current boss. In blogger, everyone hears you scream. Or rant :)

OI, someone needs to have the cheque sent in to Motorola on Monday, and I can't be arsed to send it. Looks like no-one's getting their phones :)
Aerox: Lol.

Kel: Please tell me you didn't show him my blog. As if I don't find it weird enough that you two are talking about me.

OI, I paid Tan already T_T But at least now I know who to kill if I don't my hands on it.
Girlfriend, you can always be my boyfriend.
Boy, you can be my girlfriend anytime.
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