About Me
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Breaking out in cold sweat
So after months and months of trying to put it off, I finally did it. I bought the required clothes yesterday, and registered myself for gym. Not one of the big ones like True Fitness, Fitness First or Celebrity Fitness, but one of the smaller ones. I actually had the idea of going for one of the martial arts classes they teach there, but considering my current physical condition, I thought it would probably be a better idea to hit the gym a couple of times first. In fact, I had actually been planning this for months, but continually put it off because exercise was such an alien word to me, let alone the word gym. The idea of exercising in front of other people is expecially daunting.
Then today Significant Other suggested that since we were going down to Sri Hartamas to check on my 'recent acquisition' (*wink wink*), I might as well go sign up for gym. Ok, I thought, I can do this, it's not that difficult. Oh, but it was.
The minute I walked in with Significant Other (a.k.a. moral support), the guy at the counter looked at us. "Yes?" he asked.
Significant Other: *points at me* She's here to sign up for gym.
Me: WAHHHHH!!!! *hides behind Significant Other like a scared little girl whose mother just introduced to someone*
Counter Guy: Uhhhh....
Me: *whimper*
Significant Other: @.@
So after much talking through and me tugging at Significant Other's shirt in a fashion not unlike that of a little girl who is unsure of what she wants, I signed up for the gym. I have no idea when I'm actually going to step in, because now I'm still feeling completely scared and paranoid, despite everyone reassuring me that everything will be fine. Significant Other offered to come with me the first time, but as I pointed out, that's rather silly, especially since he's not joining up with me (because his company provides free gym membership at the one next to his office).
So here I am, feeling completely freaked out at the idea of going to gym, yet not wanting to not go because I've already paid up and gotten the appropriate clothes for it to boot, and wondering just what have I gotten myself into yet again.