About Me
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Oh the irony
Friend*name changed to protect the innocent*: You know, the same thing happened to me once.
whiterabbit: Really?
Friend: Well, actually, the other way around.
Friend: I was at Vincci looking at sunglasses. The lady next to me was mulling over whether or not to buy the pair that she was holding.
Friend: She put it down and left, after awhile. I noticed that it was only slightly different from the pair I was trying on, and I really liked it. So I bought it.
Friend: As I was finishing up my purchase, she walked back in and asked for that very same pair.
Friend: The expression on her face when she found out it was gone was, uhh, rather indescribable.
whiterabbit: Hahahahahahahahaha
whiterabbit: Did you stick around to see the drama?
Friend: I left as fast as possible ^^;
whiterabbit: Omg hahahahahahahaha
whiterabbit: Poor thing.