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Sunday, May 07, 2006


The woes of not being a 100% girl

I have never felt much like a girl. Unlike most girls I know, I don't like romantic movies, nor do I like flowers. I don't get crushes on cute actors/singers, nor do I feel any compelling reason to watch a particular movie simply because a cute guy is acting in it (Of course, the only anomaly in this is that I think Rain is fucking HOT, but it's not like I bother watching anything he's ever acted in or listen to his music. I just think he's fucking HOT). I feel completely lost when girls chat about cute guys and giggle about his cute ass, hair, shirt, whatever. Same thing when it comes to chatting about how to flirt with guys. When it comes to looks, I don't bother accessorizing my clothes much, nor do I bother with perfume. And I absolutely detest wearing skirts unless it's necessary.

When I started college I mostly hung around with guys, because we could talk about games, anime, and a myriad of other interests that most girls would just give me a blank look for. Sure, I had a few girl friends too, but after the fiasco that happened to me in secondary school I was wary. Guys, to me, were so much easier to predict. Even most of the girls I hung around with were like me, people who didn't fit the 100% girly girl stereotype.

After awhile though, the rather obvious happened. I hung around with the guys more than the girls, and we (the girls) started drifting away from one another. Not that I minded being the only female in a group of guys, but it did present me with a problem.

I suddenly have no one to go shopping with.

Guys, as we all know, don't like shopping much. To most of them, it's a chore. However, one of the girly things that I really like to do happen to be shopping. But since I have practically no female friends left, I basically have no one to go shopping with. Oh sure, I have Ee Ee Poh Poh. Who happens to be in a different COUNTRY at the moment. And another good friend of mine from secondary school.......who ALSO happens to be in a different country at the moment. Besides these people there are.....well, myself, and Significant Other (who I will strangle to death on the spot if I have to hear the words "it's oklahhhh" coming out from his mouth ever again). Umm, ok, there's PM and Cyn, but since we're broke like all the time I'd feel bad for dragging them out just because I need to shop ^^;

Suddenly I regret not hanging around with more girls in college. Surprisingly, hanging around with guys all the time just made me realize how female I am. How I love to shop, try on new clothes and makeup and talk about clothes and make up, despite not being a 100% girly girl. And yes, I bleed too. Guys will never understand that, no matter how emphatic some of them might be.

It's been forever since my last really big shopping spree (I think that was the last time Ee Ee Poh Poh came back to Malaysia....which is close to a year ago), and all of a sudden I have a huge list of things I need to buy:

1. Pants - I still need to find a pair of pants to replace the one I can't really fit into anymore.
2. Bag - I could be mistaken, but I think it's been forever since I wanted a small handbag which I could take out with me on a casual basis instead of the one I bring to work.
3. Underwear - Hey, a girl could always do with new underwear.
4. Shoes - Because the last pair of shoes I bought recently developed this nasty bump which annoys the crap out of me every time I wear them.
5. Dress - Because I can't wear the same bloody dress to formal occasions for the millionth time. It gets old.
6. Workout clothes - So I finally have no excuse to not take that kickboxing class.

All I need now is money, and of course, a partner in crime. Anyone?

You have a friend going by the name Ee Ee Poh Poh?


Excuse me, but it's not my name. Try calling her Boon Long Dong.

Damn, I haven't shopped in forever too! I'm like so fucking deprived man. Good thing my mom brought cute things for me from Msia hahaha.
No fairrr :'( Dammit, come back home so I can go shopping with you! :p
Kel: Kindly go die :p
I'd finally finished playing Suikoden V so I do have a life now heh heh. I'm game going shopping XD As long as someone must remind me constantly not to buy things I don't need hahaha

Eh, I randomly rant about how HOT i think a certain someone is, but I don't think I can be labelled as 100% girl anyway HAHA
Ehh, trust me. You do NOT fit the stereotype :p As for the shopping, that's what I mean ^^; We're all so broke all the time that I'd feel bad if I dragged you guys out and you happen to see something you like but can't buy due to aforementioned financial problems ^^;
I'll go with ya ~ but please please make sure I don't buy anything!!! LOL
wwahhh (gary here) ---
go shopping never call me wan!

Unlike most str8 guys, gay guys LOVEEEEE to shop!
well most anwyay6s.
Eh, I'll call you lor ^^; Next time :p
ROFL. Boon you can't get any more woebegone than that! I've been shopping like mad since i got to Auckland. Seeing how now i actually have the money to spend it. Bless my job!
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