About Me






Monday, June 26, 2006



Been given 24 hours
to tie up loose ends
to make amends
His eyes said it all
I started to fall
and the silence deafened
Head spinning round
no time to sit down
just wanted to
run and run and run
Be careful they say
don't wish life away,
now I've one day

And I can't believe
How I've been wasting my time

In 24 hours they'll be
laying flowers
on my life, it's over tonight
I'm not messing no I
need your blessing
and your promise to live free
please do it for me
--Lyrics to Jem's 24

Tagged by Kel.

If You Knew You Were Going To Die Today, What Would You Do?

First, I'd go write a will. I don't have much but I want certain things to go certain places. Clothes would probably go to Ee Ee Poh Poh, if she hasn't grown so fat that she can't wear them anymore :p Ee, I know you want my yummy pretty clothes :p

Next on the itinerary: rummaging through everything I own and burning things I don't think I need people to know about me after I'm gone. Like how I wrote in my long forsaken teenage diary about how much I hated my parents. As if I need to hurt them more than I'm already going to. And um, yes, it's still lying around somewhere. I was going to burn it for real long time ago but I keep procrastinating.

Meet up with the close friends I have around here and call the ones who aren't in the country. Maybe go for steamboat one last time.

I'd probably never really say goodbye to family due to
traditional stiff upper lip Chinese upbringing, but I'd make sure I say something to everyone before I go. I'd probably spoil my kid brother by buying him a bucketload of games.

If I had time, I'd write letters to people I don't like about how I'm dead and coming to reap their souls in the next few days or something like that just to freak them out silly. Hey, just because I'm going doesn't mean I've lost my sense of humour.

Spend the rest of the day with Significant Other (predictable, I know). If I'm feeling particularly generous I'd tell him the real reason I love him again. Yes, I said again.
Apparently a brief, succinct, and truthful "I just do" just doesn't cut it anymore, so one day I tried to put it into words for him, but he refuses to believe me. Then again, by any normal means it is ridiculous, highly improbable and makes no sense. Everyone I've mustered enough courage to tell the truth to has just given me a blank stare and said, "No really, what's the real reason??!" Including Significant Other. So despite all the whining and puppy dog eyes, I refuse to repeat myself because no one believes me anyway. Answers from my patented Ridiculous Answers to Questions I Don't Want To Answer Again book will be used instead, ranging from "You look like the type to strike it rich and I so happen to be a tai-tai in training" to "Because you're so tall! *gasp* SQUEEEEEE~!!". But yeah, if I feel particularly generous I'd tell him again. AND YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE ME THIS TIME OR I WILL TAKE YOU WITH ME. Oh, I might also leave Significant Other with personal messages to tell my family after I'm gone, partly because of said traditional stiff upper lip Chinese upbringing and partly because I'm chicken.

After all that, hopefully I will die (dramatically) in his arms. Hey, better that than a violent death. Umm, unless it's a violent death perpetrated by Significant Other.

NOT PART OF INTERROGATION - Realistically though, I think if someone were to tell me I only had a day to live, this is what would happen: I'd wake up, look at the clock, decide it's too early to wake up and I need more sleep despite needing to do a million things, then fall asleep again, then die in my sleep because I was too lazy to get up. Sad but true, I am THAT lazy.

Ee, Gary, PM, Colin, Aerox, you're all tagged. Enjoy.

Aiyo, I just saw this today. Hmm.. I'll probably write about this after World Cup finishes.
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