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Monday, June 12, 2006



I figured that it had been forever since I last saw Akira, which is often touted as one of the best animes of all time, so I decided to pop it into the DVD player yesterday night. The last time I watched it was somewhere when I was in primary school, and the only thing I remembered about it was the incredibly disturbing scene where Tetsuo transforms into....into.....uh, that thing. Whatever you call it. The vague recollections that Akira was good stuff combined with my even more vague recollection of the movie was what made me watch it again, so that I can finally say more about it other then "Yeah, I saw Akira when I was pretty young. It was great! But, uh, I don't remember anything besides that horrifying tranformation scene."

Well, now that I've seen it again, I can say this with even more impunity: I still have no clue what it's about. Oh sure, stuff happens in the movie. But really, what I mean is I'm still trying to work out what the underlying issues are and what the movie is trying to say on a whole. I guess it didn't help that the subtitles on the copy I had disappeared during crucial moments. Special Edition DVD indeed.

Anyway, if anyone out there has any idea who those three creepy kids really are and what they did to Tetsuo and who Akira really is, please enlighten me.

OMG this is exactly how I felt about Akira hahaha. I remember watching it and while everyone raved about it after on how it was so awesome, I was thinking "Great animation, great scene layouts, superbly timed actions...but I don't know what the hell was the story about." Then I remember worrying if I was too stupid to actually understand it or something.

I think the manga (goes by the same title) offers a more in depth insight of the story, which will serve better to answer your questions.

Also...hie! First time poster here (I got your link from PM's blog - and I lurk around from time to time) Peace!
Hi there :D Flattering to know that people actually read what I write, haha. Hmm yeah, I tried to search online for some interpretation of the movie, and from what I can see I'm better off reading the comic. Maybe I should go get them sometime.
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