About Me
Monday, July 31, 2006
Shit happens
Last Wednesday after work, Z asked if I had some time to go for a drink because he had some news to tell me. It was then when we sat down and talked at the nearby mamak that the world fell off its axis, rolled around the floor a bit, before finally skidding to a halt in some dark and hidden corner.
To put all this in a little bit of context, the company which I work in has three shareholders. One is Z, another handles marketing, and the other one owns a printing factory and therefore handles all the printing (let's call him Y). A few months ago, about three or four weeks after I started working there, Y's son was hospitalised for suspected dengue. We later found out that it wasn't dengue, but leukemia. Y was devastated.
Few months down the road, last Wednesday, Z told me that Y desperately needed money for his son's medical treatment, and being the majority shareholder in the company, decided to close it down and sell it to make the money. Which translates to: we're all going to be out of a job in a month's time.
Like I said before this, I don't blame Y. I would have probably done the same thing if I was in his place. Everyone is devastated. No one knows what to think of the whole thing. And to be honest, I got off rather lightly. All I've lost is my job. Y is facing the probability of losing his son, Z and the marketing guy just lost 3 years worth of hard work building up the company. Who am I to complain?
Yet, I'm still shocked at what happened. And I'm sad to have to leave a company that I enjoyed working for in this way. I feel so lost, and the prospect of searching for a job again barely four months after getting one is a bit frustrating, if not depressing, especially since I can't quite work out where I want to go and where I want to be. Too many options (note that I'm not talking vacancies here, that's a different, and more depressing story), too little time, too many other things to consider. Well, I could always put this in a good light, and think of it as an opportunity to move forward to doing other things that I've been considering some time into the future.
It's just too bad that my mind is too muddled at this point to want to do anything other than stare blankly at the wall.