About Me
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Almost blonde
I recently decided to dye my hair again, unemployed status notwithstanding (I got the job, anyway. Woohoo! But that is another story). Since I wasn't sure what colour to dye my hair, my hairstylist suggested that I dye it one shade lighter than whatever was left of the previous job, as the highlights from the previous dye job was still holding up well. By covering the roots and adding more highlights, my hair would have this nice two-toned look. Something like that, anyway.
In any case, one shade lighter apparently meant that my hair would turn out light brown, which is great, except that with the highlights added in, my hair now looks almost blonde in the sun. As I would describe it, it's one step away from ah lian-dom. Here's a vanity pic to show you what it looks like:

That's the colour it is in the shade. Now imagine it about five times lighter in the sun. And it still hasn't gone through a lot of washings yet, which will apparently make the colour lighten up (!) even more. Still like the colour though. I hope that doesn't mean anything.
I also did some digging through my photos and found a photo of myself while I had short hair. This one's for comparison's sake for people (*cough* Kelvin *cough*) who don't remember what I look like with short hair.
OMG I'm a pretty boy!!! Sigh, I miss the times when people would stare at me just to double check if I was male or female. Was so much fun to mess around with their minds XD