About Me
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The view from my office window

Nice, huh? That's the Ken 2 Condominiums behind the office block. Yup, I can see straight into someone's condo. And since we don't have blinds yet, they can look into our office too. Wonderful, innit?
Anyway, I guess it's not too much to deduce that I've resorted to photo-blogging, because I don't really have anything to say at the moment, other than the fact that I'm really busy and dead tired out from my new job. I've also managed to put a huge drain on my finances, since I needed to invest in clothes to wear to work and whatnot. Of course, it also didn't help that I just HAD to buy an original copy of Final Fantasy 12 off my ex-boss (he ordered it by mistake. Long story). Since I was planning to buy an original copy anyway, I thought hey, why not. Just in time too, since my pirated copy suddenly decided to die on me and I couldn't proceed with the game (not that I could proceed with the game ANYWAY, since I was that busy). It was actually my second pirated copy, since my first also konked a few weeks after I got it. Funnily enough, it just only occured to me just now that with this original copy, I now have three copies of the same game. Nevermind that the first two are illegal copies. That's like a first for me.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Last Sunday, after catching Flushed Away at Cineleisure with PM, we decided to try out the new shabu-shabu place downstairs on the lower ground floor, mostly because the buntings were EVERYWHERE, and hey, why not, right? We ended up loving the place so much that we couldn't wait to go there again. In fact, even arranging to go again on Sunday was a bit painful, since we were both already tempted to go again the day after. This time, we remembered to take photos of the food before we devoured everything (although we only remembered half-way into eating. But hey, better than nothing). So here are pictures:
Mmmmmmm, isn't that the most yummy-looking thing ever?
That's our half-eaten plate. The sauces they gave are peanut sauce, and this other sauce which is sourish in taste.
I am seriously SO addicted to the place now.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Auto message
Bored, sleepy friend (04:08) : *yawn*
whiterabbit (04:51 - almost an hour later) : drink coffee. lots and lots of coffee.
Bored, sleepy friend (04:51) : This is an auto message: The person you are trying to message has deceased from boredom.
whiterabbit (05:07) : hey, unlike some people, i have work to do :p
whiterabbit (05:07) : pfft
Bored, sleepy friend (05:09) : This is an auto message: The person you are trying to message is currently being prepped in a funeral home. Memorial service details to follow later.
whiterabbit (5:12) : .........
Thursday, November 09, 2006
An update
About time, don't you think? It's been quite awhile, and I've been busy, and I don't really have much to say except to maybe update people on what I've been up to.
As some of you might know, I got the job I was talking about earlier on the blog. I started work straight after Hari Raya, on the 26th. On that day my company flew me down to Singapore (where their main Southeast Asia branch is) so they could orientate me into the company, introduce me to the people I'll be working with (the Malaysian branch is brand new), that sorta stuff. I flew down on the first available flight at 8am-ish and came back on the 9pm flight the next day. Was my first trip to Singapore in the last decade or so, so everything was more or less new to me. The cabs can print receipts! Handy for claiming back on expenses with the company. Colleagues were very nice. Crazy, as expected of a creative firm. As I had been staying awake late into the night in a vain attempt to finish Disgaea 2 before I flew down, I had trouble sleeping that night. Woke up freaking early for no reason too, but I guess that was a good thing since I was pretty paranoid about not waking up on time. So I suppose you can say that by the time I got home I was pretty darn tired out. Didn't stop me from buying Final Fantasy 12 the very next day though (actually, I would have gone and bought it the very same day if it wasn't because it was really late).
Good thing that the store ran out of stock before Raya (that and wanting to finish off Disgaea 2 first was the only reason why I didn't get it before then), because ever since I've been sucked into the game. I'm about 15 hours into the game now, and I am so loving it. I think it's safe to say that this is the best Final Fantasy game I've played since FF7. The story seems to be moving along very nicely, the voiceovers are actually decent for a change, nice characterization (no special focus on boy-meet-girl-and-falls-in-love angle, YAY! Take that, FF8), world setting is Ivalice, the one in Final Fantasy Tactics, plus character design is so Vagrant Story, a game which I ABSOLUTELY ADORE. I also love the new combat system, although I really hated it at first. It just takes awhile for the whole why-on-earth-did-they-do-this? to sink in.
One thing I've noticed about this particular Final Fantasy - the guys are actually hot for a change. Not cute, not pretty boy, but hot hot HOT. Urm, except maybe Vaan (but at least he wasn't as girly as I thought he was going to be). In fact, I can't decide who's hotter - Balthier, the sky pirate, or Basch, the disgraced Dalmascan knight. Balthier I think can be best described as sorta like Hans Solo, except a lot more suave and witty (not to mention a lot hotter). It's hard not to like Balthier - he has all the best lines in the game. The character design for Basch is heavily tilted towards Vagrant Story, and I happen to like Vagrant Story's character designs a lot, so.... *DROOL* Hmm, decisions decisions.
Anyway, Final Fantasy 12 aside, I started my job for real last week, and it's been quite the killer. My first project was something I've never done before, and I didn't exactly have a lot of guidance on it. Spent three to four days working from 9am to 5am the next day, with maybe a three hour break for dinner and surfing the net and catching up with emails. Last Friday I was so tired I took a nap after dinner and didn't wake up till seven the next morning, with my work clothes and contacts and all still on. I continued sleeping (after cleaning myself up, of course) because I was so tired, and the next thing I know it was 3pm. Thankfully this week so far hasn't been so bad, although I can't find time to fit gym on my schedule anymore except maybe during the weekends. That and the dresscode at work is dress casual, which left me in a dilemma because suddenly I have too many 'weekend' clothes, and not enough clothes to wear to work. I suppose I can always go shopping, but considering how drained my finances are since I was unemployed for two months prior to signing up, well....I probably shouldn't think about it too much.
Phew. I'm tired. Off to bed. More later if I remember that I forgot something. Or something like that.