About Me
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The view from my office window

Nice, huh? That's the Ken 2 Condominiums behind the office block. Yup, I can see straight into someone's condo. And since we don't have blinds yet, they can look into our office too. Wonderful, innit?
Anyway, I guess it's not too much to deduce that I've resorted to photo-blogging, because I don't really have anything to say at the moment, other than the fact that I'm really busy and dead tired out from my new job. I've also managed to put a huge drain on my finances, since I needed to invest in clothes to wear to work and whatnot. Of course, it also didn't help that I just HAD to buy an original copy of Final Fantasy 12 off my ex-boss (he ordered it by mistake. Long story). Since I was planning to buy an original copy anyway, I thought hey, why not. Just in time too, since my pirated copy suddenly decided to die on me and I couldn't proceed with the game (not that I could proceed with the game ANYWAY, since I was that busy). It was actually my second pirated copy, since my first also konked a few weeks after I got it. Funnily enough, it just only occured to me just now that with this original copy, I now have three copies of the same game. Nevermind that the first two are illegal copies. That's like a first for me.