About Me
Monday, July 31, 2006
Shit happens
Last Wednesday after work, Z asked if I had some time to go for a drink because he had some news to tell me. It was then when we sat down and talked at the nearby mamak that the world fell off its axis, rolled around the floor a bit, before finally skidding to a halt in some dark and hidden corner.
To put all this in a little bit of context, the company which I work in has three shareholders. One is Z, another handles marketing, and the other one owns a printing factory and therefore handles all the printing (let's call him Y). A few months ago, about three or four weeks after I started working there, Y's son was hospitalised for suspected dengue. We later found out that it wasn't dengue, but leukemia. Y was devastated.
Few months down the road, last Wednesday, Z told me that Y desperately needed money for his son's medical treatment, and being the majority shareholder in the company, decided to close it down and sell it to make the money. Which translates to: we're all going to be out of a job in a month's time.
Like I said before this, I don't blame Y. I would have probably done the same thing if I was in his place. Everyone is devastated. No one knows what to think of the whole thing. And to be honest, I got off rather lightly. All I've lost is my job. Y is facing the probability of losing his son, Z and the marketing guy just lost 3 years worth of hard work building up the company. Who am I to complain?
Yet, I'm still shocked at what happened. And I'm sad to have to leave a company that I enjoyed working for in this way. I feel so lost, and the prospect of searching for a job again barely four months after getting one is a bit frustrating, if not depressing, especially since I can't quite work out where I want to go and where I want to be. Too many options (note that I'm not talking vacancies here, that's a different, and more depressing story), too little time, too many other things to consider. Well, I could always put this in a good light, and think of it as an opportunity to move forward to doing other things that I've been considering some time into the future.
It's just too bad that my mind is too muddled at this point to want to do anything other than stare blankly at the wall.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Just when you think that life has settled into a rhythm you're comfortable with and things are falling into place, life throws you a curveball. On hindsight, the way things were going I should have actually expected it, but hey, I am a rather blur person. Isn't that part of the charm? I won't go into details yet, as I have my reasons. I'm not in any way angry at the way things turned out because it's not something that can be helped, and besides, I would have probably done the same thing had I been in his shoes. If anything else I feel rather sympathetic for everyone involved, because these people are going to lose a lot more than I ever will.
Still, this doesn't mean it hasn't been a shock. The rest of the day left me in a daze. My mind is racing nonstop, one of the reasons why I'm here blogging about this at 4am. The recent turn of events have left me flailing about in complete chaos. I feel so lost. What am I going to do? What do I want? Where am I headed? Which path should I choose? Am I going to regret it? My mind is so muddled I can't even sort my thoughts out properly to make a proper, informed decision, and it doesn't help that I have to make it within a matter of days.
I suppose I'll eventually work things through over the next few days, but you know what? Some help piecing together the jigsaw pieces that rattled out of my brain when the curveball hit would be real good.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Only You (Part One)
When I was in my ex-company, having to work late to meet the monthly deadlines was a necessary evil, and whenever I stayed late I went out for dinner with my then-colleagues. One time we were eating at the nearby McDonalds drivethrough when a curious thing happened.
We were all sitting down, halfway chomping through our burgers when the speakers starting blaring out the song "Only You".
Speakers: On-ly yooooooouuuuuuuuu......
Colleague A: Gods, do they have to play this song here?
Speakers: Can make......this worlddddd seem right.......
Colleague B: *rolls eyes*
Speakers: Ohhhhh-nly youuuuuuuu......Can make......can make- can make-
Everyone: Huh?
Colleague A: Umm, is the disc or whatever they're playing from broken or something?
Speakers: *suddenly switches to techno beat* Doooo- dooo doo doo doo doo dooo doo
Colleague C: .....Wait, is it still playing the same song?
Speakers: Dooo doooo doo doo Ohhh-nly youuuuuuuu..... dooo dooo dooo doo
Everyone: *stops eating and looks at each other*
Everyone: .......
Colleague C: Oh my god, did we just hear that??!
Speakers: Dooo dooo dooo Onnnlyyyy youuuuuuuuu.... dooo doo doo doo
Colleague A: This is SACRILEGE.
Everyone: Agreed *snicker*
Few days later, I decided to try looking for the song online, but failed. A few more days later, I confessed to the same colleagues about having tried to look up the song on the internet. The general reply? "Really??! ME TOO!!!" But we all failed to find the song, which was rather sad, because we all really wanted to torture other people with it.
But of course, there are reasons why I dug up such an old issue. Stay tuned to find out :p
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
No doubt some people are curious as to how the gym thing worked out for me, especially since I was the proverbial scared rabbit when I had to step foot inside one for the first time. Well, much to my surprise, I actually like going to gym. Benefits wise though, it's still too early too tell as it's only been one and a half months and I really only go twice a week. It has had some other effects on me though. Huge meat cravings, for instance. The good thing about it is that the food cravings have significantly narrowed down picking out what to eat when I'm with Significant Other. From being a "whatever lah" person, this is what I've turned into:
Significant Other: So what do you feel like having for d-
Me (in a zombiefied voice): MEEAAAATT.
Significant Other: Uhh, didn't we just have that the other day?
Me (still in zombiefied voice): MEEEAATTT. I HUNGER.
Significant Other: O.o
I'm still not gaining any weight though.
Friday, July 14, 2006
As sarcastic as ever
Z: Why don't you try pulling that image over the edge? Would that make it look better?
Me: Hey, I was about to try that!
Z: Heh, great minds think alike.
Me: Don't flatter yourself.
Z: ...
Me: *whistles innocently*
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Shadow of the Colossus
*game loads*
*long cutscene starts*
Me: Zzzzzzz.
*long cutscene ends*
Me: Ok, find Colossus, kill Colossus. Simple.
*jumps on horse, holds up sword, follows directions*
Me: Where the hell is the col - ooooh, pretty scenery!
*path ends*
*jumps off horse, struggles to climb walls*
Me: Stupid @#$&^#%$ controls.
*successfully climbs up walls*
Me: What's that stomping sound?
*walks around a bit*
*stomping gets louder*
*ten-storey tall Colossus walks into view*
Me: Meep.
*navigates around Colossus while trying not to get stomped*
Me: How the fuck do I bring this thing down??!
*unsheaths sword and whacks its foot*
Angry Colossus: *STOMP*
*restarts fight*
*charges at foot*
*restarts fight*
Me: *whimper*
*notices mossy growth on one leg*
Me: Ah HAH!
*runs to leg while trying not to get stomped*
*climbs on top of the leg*
Me: WOOT! Err, now what?
*notices glowing blue thing on leg*
Me: Hmmmm....*stabs leg*
*Colossus groans in pain and drops down on one foot*
Me: Ok, now to climb further up!
*climbs further up. Colossus starts getting up and shakes itself, presumely to get rid of me*
Me: Heeelpppp meeeeeeee! @.@
*continues climbing upwards*
Me: So....uh, how am I supposed to get rid of this thing again? And what IS that beeping sound I'm making that coincides with that funny circular thing on the bottom right that keeps getting smaller?
*grip slips*
*restarts fight*
Me: Idiots COULD have mentioned that the circular thing indicates how long you can hold on to the thing without taking a breather right??!
*climbs up Colossus again*
*notices glowing blue symbol on top of its head*
Me: Could that be.....it MUST be the weak spot I'm looking for!!
*climbs near the symbol*
Mysterious Voice From The Heavens: Stab the symbol on the back of his left leg.
Me: Eh? ...Uh, didn't I get past that part already?
*camera starts panning out*
Me: Wow, what a gorgeous view!! ...Eh, it's kinda high up, isn't it? O.o
*stabs glowing symbol*
*Colossus groans in pain and shakes its head violently*
Me: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! O.O *holds on for dear life*
Mysterious Voice From The Heavens: Stab the symbol on the back of his left leg.
Me: I said, I'M PAST THAT PART ALREADY. I'd appreciate some better help, like HELPING ME STAY ON THIS INSANE THING~!!
*stabs Colossus multiple times*
*Colossus finally dies*
Me: Woohoo! Let's do that again~!!
On a more serious note, if Katamari Damacy was the most fun game I have ever played in years, Shadow of the Colossus wins in the most exhilarating category :D So far, I have four Colossi down, twelve more to go, and I can't wait :D
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The mystery of the fluctuating dress size
A week ago, I finally got ahold of a dress I could wear to Significant Other's annual company dinner. All that was missing was an evening bag for me to tote. My destination: my usual shopping haunt, 1 Utama, mostly because I can't be arsed to go any further unless there's an MNG sale, which requires a trip down to MidValley Megamall to get your money's worth. But I also wanted to watch Superman Returns, and the only place we thought we had any chance of getting tickets was at the newly opened Cathay cinema at The Curve. So I wound up wandering there instead, dropping by the shops to see if they had any nice evening bags I could use. But as most shopping stories go, you don't end up buying only what you want (unless you're a straight guy). In fact, I was walking past a store when I saw the most drop dead gorgeous sea-green gypsy-inspired skirt.
My finger shot right up to point at the skirt. "Oh my god, what a gorgeous skirt!" I squealed to Significant Other.
He gave me this odd look. "What is with you and skirts now?" he asked with a confused look on his face (I just bought one from the MNG sale last week. Also, notice how girly this post is *vomits*).
I couldn't stop myself, so I stopped by to try the skirt on. The S was a size too small, so the salesgirl brought me the M. It was GORGEOUS. Then my self-doubt kicked in. You don't wear skirts. You'll never wear this one either. Hello, look at the colour. What the hell are you going to wear it with?
Thankfully there were plenty left on the rack, so I left the store telling myself I'd think about it. Barely three hours passed when I told my self-doubt to fuck off and ran back for the skirt. The salesgirl smiled when I walked back in, and brought me a new one, size M, just like the one which fit me.
I happily went off to watch Superman Returns (very good movie. Brandon Routh is SO HOT! He makes goody-two-shoes boy scouts absolutely delicious. Mmmmm). When I got home, I tried on the skirt again.
It was too small.
Odd, I thought, and checked the size. It said EUR - M / USA - S / MAL - M. I was confused. Was that an S or M? I wondered. Maybe she got it mixed up, and gave me an S.
I went back to the store the next day and asked for one size bigger, an EUR - L / USA - M / MAL - L. My self doubt nagged at me to try it on, but there were a lot of people in the shop, and I was somewhat confident that it HAD to be one size bigger than the one I tried on. So I went home and tried it again.
The skirt fell all the way down past my hips, like a low-slung pair of jeans.
Ok, either their sizes fluctuate or my weight does.
I went back to the store again and explained my utter confusion to the salesgirl. She was confused as well and suggested trying on the EUR - M / USA - S / MAL - M sizes that were on the rack. She brought me two. So I went to the dressing room to try it on, and guess what? They both fitted me PERFECTLY.
So I decided to take one of the ones off the rack, instead of a new copy. By the time I got home I was paranoid. What if I decided to try it on and IT WON'T FIT ME AGAIN? So I tried it again. Verdict - the skirt still fits.
Although I might try again tomorrow, just to be sure.
Updated: With pictures!

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Katie Melua