About Me
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Almost blonde
I recently decided to dye my hair again, unemployed status notwithstanding (I got the job, anyway. Woohoo! But that is another story). Since I wasn't sure what colour to dye my hair, my hairstylist suggested that I dye it one shade lighter than whatever was left of the previous job, as the highlights from the previous dye job was still holding up well. By covering the roots and adding more highlights, my hair would have this nice two-toned look. Something like that, anyway.
In any case, one shade lighter apparently meant that my hair would turn out light brown, which is great, except that with the highlights added in, my hair now looks almost blonde in the sun. As I would describe it, it's one step away from ah lian-dom. Here's a vanity pic to show you what it looks like:

That's the colour it is in the shade. Now imagine it about five times lighter in the sun. And it still hasn't gone through a lot of washings yet, which will apparently make the colour lighten up (!) even more. Still like the colour though. I hope that doesn't mean anything.
I also did some digging through my photos and found a photo of myself while I had short hair. This one's for comparison's sake for people (*cough* Kelvin *cough*) who don't remember what I look like with short hair.
OMG I'm a pretty boy!!! Sigh, I miss the times when people would stare at me just to double check if I was male or female. Was so much fun to mess around with their minds XD
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The long road ahead
I think I may have screwed up the interview I really really wanted to get.
Everything was more or less going on okay until he asked if I had a favourite designer. Which I didn't. Then he asked if I had kept up with international works and what other designers were doing. Which I haven't (even though I know I should). He more or less chided me nicely about how I should keep up with what other designers were doing to keep myself fresh and to get inspirations from my work....and I think it went downhill from there T__T
Siiiigh. To be honest, sometimes I do wonder where my passion for the arts have gone. When was the last time I surfed the net for interesting ideas? The last time I bought a design book? The last time I sat down in Kinokuniya to browse through their art books? The last time I bought a design magazine?
In short, wtf is up with me? Why aren't I keeping up with the design world anymore? Am I getting complacent? Or am I seriously losing grip on the reason why I'm in this industry?
Siiiiigh. In any case, I should have prepared myself. But I guess I should have seen this coming my way. I can't keep chanting "I love design, this is what I want to do" over and over again without keeping up with what the rest of the world is doing. There is no excuse for complacency.
I guess there's a looooong road ahead of me, and I had better play catch up soon or risk losing my sense of design identity.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Handy jobseekers tip #2
whiterabbit: uncleeeee
Z: please tell me that you're sitting in an office now
whiterabbit: lol
whiterabbit: umm, nolor. But I did score an interview with Y company
whiterabbit: yay me!
Z: hehe
whiterabbit: i'll make sure i check the toilets when i'm there :p
Z: lol
Z: remember to search through their trash also
Z: but make sure you don't get caught doing it
whiterabbit: LOL. What is the trash supposed to tell you?
Z: errr, that depends on what you find
whiterabbit: haha
whiterabbit: thanks, but no thanks :p
whiterabbit: i am NOT rummaging through someone's trash :p
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Only You (The Final Part)
To cut a long story short, I can confirm that the song is the work of a local DJ. Which local DJ I won't tell you, for two reasons - one is to stop people from trying to kill him, and the other is that you never know who is roaming the internet these days, and it's a precaution for me to not get anyone in trouble (just in case. Like I said, you never know). Ask me in person to get the full story ;)
All this means that the song is specially mixed for McDonalds, so there is no chance of ever getting your hands on the song (damn! :p). So if you're still interested in what caused so many people to scream in anguish, go to your local McD's drivethrough and wait till it plays.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Something funny my kid brother related to me a few days ago:
His friend: *reads exam question* Write about the robbery at the bank...
His friend: HAH! So easy.
After the exam...
His friend: The one about the bank robbery was so easy.
My brother: Bank robbery? What bank robbery?
His friend: You know, question one. "Write about the robbery at the bank".
My brother: Urm.
His friend: ?
My brother: The question was "Write about the robbery at the jewelry store".
His friend: ...
His friend: T___T
Apparently a few people ended up writing about the wrong robbery. Poor kids.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Handy jobseekers tip
Z: So how's the job search going?
whiterabbit: Checking out Jobstreet. Speaking of which, have you heard of X ad agency before?
Z: Yeah, they used to be our competitor.
whiterabbit: LOL! Well, do you know anything about them?
Z: Only that they charge rather extorbitant prices.
whiterabbit: Really? Hmm, should I bother applying then?
Z: Yeah, why not, just go check it out lah.
whiterabbit: Hmm.
Z: There's this handy tip my mentor told me long time ago. When you're there for the interview, check their toilets. Says a lot about the company.
whiterabbit: LOLOLOLOLOL are you serious??!
Z: Well, that's what he said. Lol.
whiterabbit: Hahahahahaha! Oh kayyyyyy.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Only You (Part Four)
Significant Other: He heard the song.
Me: Huh? I thought he wanted nothing to do with it.
Significant Other: Well, he didn't. He just so happened to be having dinner at a McDs drivethrough and heard the song being played.
Me: *snicker* So what happened?
Significant Other: He ran out of the drivethrough as fast as possible.
Me: Hahahahahahaha!! So is he going to go find out where the song came from?
Significant Other: Yup.
Me: Really? Yay!! I can't wait.