About Me
Friday, March 24, 2006
Unemployment (freedom?)
The deed is done. I resigned. Admittedly, most people's reactions were "WTFFFFFFFF". But you know your instincts are right when the boss insinuates all sort of negative things about you when you try to leave. Admittedly some of the things he said are no doubt true. But why mention it when I am resigning unless you are being a sore loser? I am aware of my faults and shortcomings as a designer, I don't need anyone to tell me that there are things I need to work on. In fact, it's nice that you point out the things I missed to me too, so I can work on that too. His approach, however, is entirely negative, without any positive reinforcement whatsoever. And having worked with a freelance contact who I would say handles art direction in an excellent manner, I certainly know what makes someone a joy to work with. Someone you actually don't mind sucking shit for, because overall it is a positive experience, and you're actually happy to suck shit for said person.
So here I am, roaming free again. Although the high from resigning has left and I am now sitting down wondering what the hell I am going to do tomorrow, since I don't have work to go to anymore.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Significant Other says: Oblivion is out Significant Other says: The torrent is out whiterabbit has a vendetta says: Yay! whiterabbit has a vendetta says: MUST BUYYYY!! whiterabbit has a vendetta says: Since I'm resigning anyway, I'm gonna sit at home for the whole of next month playing it! Significant Other says: Lol whiterabbit has a vendetta says: I should play all my new PS2 games too! whiterabbit has a vendetta says: Then all I will be doing next month is play lotsa games! whiterabbit has a vendetta says: While living off savings and boyfriend, of course! Significant Other says: No! :p whiterabbit has a vendetta says: Why, you don't like my idea? :(Significant Other says: NO! :pwhiterabbit has a vendetta says: But I want to be a stay-at-home bum! :(Significant Other says: Hmph! No :pwhiterabbit has a vendetta says: :(
Significant Other says: Aww, what's wrong?whiterabbit has a vendetta says: You won't let me realize my ambition :'( Significant Other says: That's not ambition! Significant Other says: That's DE-ambition! :p whiterabbit has a vendetta says: But it's just a matter of perspective *whistles innocently*
Significant Other says: Garrgghhhh! :p
Friday, March 17, 2006
Here kitty kitty
The cutest (and naughtiest) kitten in the world! Don't let the photo fool you though, she's actually not as small as she looks. She was very fidgety, making it difficult to get a nice and sharp picture of her. That's someone's paper box she decided to invade. Her owner is behind her in this photo.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
First day
Today was my first day at a new company. I woke up early, dressed up a little nicer than usual, took a deep breath and drove to my new office in Sunway Mas. Parked my car, got out, look at the floor where my office was, took another deep breath, walked up and rang the doorbell. The director welcomed me in, as she was the only person in at the moment. Cool, I thought, these people come in late too. Hooray! Sat down, turned on the iMac G5 (the pre-Intel model of the one I had at my ex-company) that I was going to be using, and waited for ten whole minutes for it to boot up. The director explained that it had something to do with the office network. So I waited patiently for it to load while flipping through the work that I was supposed to pick up. The bell chimes, and the boss (who's the director's husband) walks in. Looks pretty hip, although he sorta reminds me of a Chinese gangsta. Calls me into his office to brief me about the work I'm supposed to be doing. Asks me what my strengths are. I pause for a long time before telling him that I come from publishing. Maybe was a bad idea, because then he started telling me about what advertising was all about, obviously brushing away the fact that I do come from a design school, y'know, so obviously I know. Doorbell chimes, the designer walks in. Walks into the office to be briefed at the same time that I am. Boss discusses his ideas, which he terms as brilliant and award-winning, IF "you guys can flesh it out nicely". The designer whines about visualizing his work for him. Uh oh. Warning bells go off in my head. Briefing finishes, we walk back to our seat, doorbell chimes again, the accounts executive walks in, along with her five month old Persian cat, Ashley. She (the cat) fidgets around, jumps on top of the shelves and knocks things off, and squeezes into tight crevices for no apparent reason. The other designer is afraid of her. I think she's (the cat) cute. I go online to look for images to use. The internet was freaking slow. Time ticks by. 3 o'clock comes around before I decide that I'm hungry enough to find something to eat. What's good to eat around here? I ask, although what I really wanted to say was "don't you guys eat??!". Oh, we usually tapau our food, the AE tells me. We used to go out to eat, but there's really only four of us, and the office is more comfortable, anyway. Not to mention that it's very hot outside. I want to smash my head on the wall. Instead, I went to the bakery nearby to buy myself some food. Walked back to the office, sat down and ate my food. A wave of panic strikes me. Dear God, am I going to spend the rest of my days like this? I look around the walls in fear, like a captured rodent trying to claw its way out of its cage. The minutes tick past. My back is starting to hurt because I'm not used to the chair. I think about my previous company and sink into depression. I feel completely lost and directionless. And in the same breath, I make up my mind to quit and find somewhere else to work in.
Now all I need is a perfectly valid excuse for quitting after a few days.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Last day
Today was my last day at my soon-to-be-ex company. It felt just like any other normal day, with the exception of being spent lunch at TGIF. I spent my time surfing the net, chatting both online and with my colleagues and playing simple games I found on the Mac against the computer opponent. Then before you know it, the day's over and I have to leave. It didn't really hit me until I signed out and walked out of the door that I won't be stepping in tomorrow in a complete haze and signing in, booting up my computer, sitting down and repeating what I've been doing today again.
For the past few days I mulled if I should write a sappy goodbye email to everyone, just like the designer who left before me. But after thinking about it for those few days, I realize that my mind is completely blank. I can't think of anything to write at all, except for maybe "thank you", but I thought that was so obvious that it was pointless anyway.
Even now when I'm typing this my mind is still blank. I can't think of what to write. But I really wanted to post a picture of the parting gift that Phui Mun, Cynthia and Kel got for me:
A WERERABBIT!!! Thanks guys, it's the bestest gift ever :D
Friday, March 10, 2006
My afternoon at work today was productively spent watching Mirrormask with my co-conspirator, Phui Mun. We were both left gaping in awe of Dave McKean's vision in bringing his and Neil Gaiman's work to life on screen (of course, we were also awed by how fabulous it is to play a widescreen format movie on our new Intel iMacs). He succeeded so well in bringing his surrealistic artwork to life without it looking "out of place", no matter how odd that may sound. How surreal is the movie, you ask?
That surreal.
This one in particular reminded me of Salvadore Dali.
The movie was a visual feast from start to finish. In fact, it is so awesomely awesome that I am left with no other words to describe it :p Phui Mun said that it reminded her of Hayao Miyazaki's work, except filmed in live action. Storyline wise, it was wonderful to see a Neil Gaiman story fleshed out so well onscreen. It's like watching the book come to life, which is fantastic for people who absolutely adore Neil Gaiman. If you're not particularly keen on him, however, then I guess this is not the movie for you.
Highly recommended for the artistically/Neil Gaiman-inclined. I am now left with a craving to buy the original DVD set (hopefully with a lot of nice artsy-fartsy stuff included) and a major crush on Valentine. Sigh.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Pocky sticks
About two weeks ago my brother came home from Japan for a visit. He brought back lots and lots of Pocky, one of my favourite snacks from Japan. They retail for about RM9 per box here, I think, and they don't carry some of the funkier ones like the white chocolate coated sticks coated with another layer of dark chocolate on top (yummy!). The one shown here is new packaging for two flavours. Or so I think, because my brother only brought back two kinds, green tea and sweet potato. Yes, do not let the purple packaging fool you. It is NOT grape or some berry flavour, it is sweet potato, which is the weirdest tasting thing ever. There's still one box left sitting in the refrigerator for anyone who wants to try.
Thursday, March 02, 2006