About Me
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
New year resolutions
1. Stop pissing money away.
2. Earn more money.
3. Get that tattoo I've been telling everyone about for years. Cross fingers and hope that family never finds out and disown me.
4. Get personal website which I have telling everyone about for years up and running.
5. Last but arguably most important on the list, GET TO WORK ON TIME.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Boxing Day
While paying for golf shoes with my father, the lady at the register tightens the spikes at the base of the shoes. My father says to her, "You're pretty good at screwing..."
Is that not funny? I turn away laughing and when I turned back, the lady says, "I've been doing this for a while now..." or something to that extent, but with full effect.
How can I not be amused with this?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Yesterday, the night before Christmas: ...was the only time (for me) a can of (unfinished) beer would have been duly replaced with a newer and much colder one; which was usually followed by the expression, "Old one, old one..."
The food was good, the weather not so, and the environment was somewhat new to me. Packets of Nasi Lemak from Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa--said to be the best Nasi Lemak around--lay in a basket at one corner next to the dozens of oysters (Kilpatrick, or I'm mistaken).
From sushi, to spaghetti, to Laura's Selection of self-made chocolates as door gifts. That's where I was, Laura of Laura's Selection's most welcoming home, a retired insurance agent delving into a new business of chocolates.
Yes, we sampled some of her products. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of chocolates (and I'm still not), but I ate every nut-filled piece handed to me. If rich belgian chocolates are your thing, you would have liked it muchly.
Merry Christmas, people!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
How to kill a wizard vampire lord in 4 easy steps
Step 1: Attack his castle in broad daylight.
Step 2: Cast silence on him.
Step 3: Cast powerful clerical spells on him until he activates his contingency spell (Otiluke's Resillient Sphere, a spell which creates an invincible sphere around the caster where nothing can go in and nothing can go out, which can only be deactivated when the caster speaks the command word. Note the emphasis on the word speaks).
Step 4: Roll him out into the sunlight.
*CAUTION: Works only if his contingency spell is Otiluke's Resillient Sphere.
Friday, December 23, 2005
I haven't been sleeping well for the past week - something highly unusual for me. Usually I oversleep because I slept late the previous night(s), and my sleep is usually so sound that even if a bomb went off next door I probably wouldn't hear it. In fact, there are only two known surefire ways of waking me: by violently shaking me, or calling me on my handphone. And even then, if I'm tired enough, I won't be able to crawl out of bed - I'll just fall asleep again, only to wake up at 9.30am (or god forbid, 10am), just in time to realize that I'm late for work.
Since Monday, however, something strange happened - I automatically woke up when my alarm clock rang. I haven't heard my alarm clock ring for a few months now, and yes, I set it every night before I go to sleep in the hopes that I'll hear it ring in the morning, nevermind the chances of that happening are 0.0001%. On Monday morning I was quite surprised, but that pretty much turned to shock when it continued till Thursday. I wasn't exactly getting more sleep than usual, either, since my sleeping time the whole week was about 2am. And the sleep pattern was always the same - I'd get some weird dream bordering on a nightmare, then suddenly wake up when the alarm rang.
Then on Thursday, I felt actually tired enough to just go to sleep early. I hoped that by doing that I could reset that pattern and get myself more sleep. So I went to sleep at 12am. When I next opened my eyes, it was still pitch black outside. In shock, I grabbed my alarm clock and shone the light on it. It read 6.45am. WTF.
I know this enables me to actually wake up in time for work now, but I really hope this freakiness doesn't continue past this week.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
An interesting read if you know who Dave Chappelle is.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Scorpion King
Well, I was bored. So I decided to post something up for Kel, the Destroyer of Worlds. Prepare to witness Darth Vader's transformation into the Scorpion King!

LOL. Seriously, I don't know WHY, but it's a good game. You're really missing out on a lot by refusing to play it just because this happens :p
Back a week now, and
Almost immediately, I was lunged into consuming booze night after night, and the like. And the very next few days I had already obtained (very) extra-casual work doing the thisses and thatses of manual labour.
Now, if only I can get people to buy Porsches.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Today #2
Avoid laundry work part 2, and go do something monetarily productive. While at it, try to get hair cut.
Update: I didn't get my hair cut. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I sort of learnt how to jumpstart a lamborghini diablo vt. The car had to take a detour through 3-4 highways due to unfit roads. In a few blinks, your 6 hour day passes into night and you're at Soul'd Out wolfing down Australian Beef Ribs with a jug of beer. Is that what ageing is like?
Scorpion Boss
Monday, December 12, 2005
The one where Darth Vader turns into a scorpion at the end of every level
A few days ago, while chatting to random colleague #1 about video games we played while we were little kids, I wondered aloud about a particular Star Wars game on the Nintendo that despite searching for it multiple times, I could never find, mostly because I couldn't remember the name. As I told him, it was the one where Darth Vader turns into a scorpion at the end of every level. His reply was "WTF? What the hell is that?? ...What sort of games did you play when you were little?"
Well, at least I didn't play Kirby's Adventures. When he told me to go play it (because all girls like Kirby's Adventures, apparently), I nearly keeled over from a sugar overdose caused by the cuteness. It did look somewhat familiar, but I don't remember ever playing it, because if I did, I would be this nice, sweet young woman who adores the colour pink, plush toys, and everything else that is sugar and spice and everything nice, instead of the angry emo bitch I am today.
I do, however, remember playing a lot of Ghouls N' Ghosts, which might explain my very lame sense of humour.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Little Creatures (Cherubs)
A week (or so) ago, we paid a visit to Fremantle. The place seemed busy, with a parade here and some street performers there. The markets were closed, which left us wandering around other areas.

One of the places is the Little Creatures brewery; which I have taken pictures inside of. It's pretty funky inside with its restaurant and bar interior. Above is the sign I managed to miss going in.
The pale ale brew una bottle. The reason I put it sideways is because after you have a dozen or more, it should look the right way up then. No, actually, the picture loaded this way; strange.
Here, you see the cheerful staff--a coincidence, I'm sure--posing for a picture even though I was aiming the camera at what's behind her. Although she was just kidding around, I made her repose just for this picture. Within the bar area are big cannisters of beer (supposedly) but some ran out, which was pretty unacceptable in a mildly curious way. I wasn't as curious as my brother, of course.

Pale Ale is one of the various they offer
This is like a sidenote to what it looks like inside. The environment is darkened so people would probably fall over and spill their drinks, resulting in them buying more. Clever. The bar is situated 180 degrees from this view.
That picture of me where I'm present but you can't really see me
A picture my colleague took of me at the PC Fair in KLCC last Saturday. Nothing too remarkable, I suppose, but I thought the angle it was taken at made it look funky. It reminds me of this other picture Gary took of me & Florence back in college:
Why? Because I'm there, but you can't see my face. I also happen to like this one because of the contrast. I'm fair, she's dark, I'm dressed in black, and she's wearing white. That and it looks like she's distressed because I'm pissed at her, but I swear that wasn't what happened ^^;
For years, I didn't quite have a picture of myself on my computer except that one. It was always really weird when I chatted with people over ICQ and they wanted to see how I looked, because I had no other photo except The One Where I'm There But You Can't Quite See My Face. The conversation usually went something like this:
Someone: So....can I see what you look like?
Me: *pause* Umm, I don't really have a picture of myself.
Someone: Don't be so shy lar, I can mail you mine too, so it's more like an exchange.
Me: *pause* Umm, I really don't have a picture of myself. *pause again* Well, except this one where you can't see my face...
Someone: Huh? Err, just email it to me?
Me: Umm, if you say so... *mails pic*
Someone: Umm, so which one is you?
Me: Umm, the one whose face you can't see?
Someone: Wow, you look pissed.
Me: Why, thank you.
Well, it was either that, or I'd get "You have a nice side profile." Or, remarked my (mean) friend one day while pondering my facial features, "You know, you don't look so scary from the side." I no longer hang out with this "friend", for reasons other than insulting me.
*ahem* Anyway, with this picture, now I have another photo of me where I'm there, but you can't quite see my face. Joy!
Monday, December 05, 2005
This place is a zoo
The night usually seems fun after playing poker and going to the supposedly-swanky llama bar until you're one out of six, stuck in a light drizzle changing a flat tyre at the nearby petrol station while you're heading out to another club.
It was Hip Hop slash R&B night (at Metro) and the place was packed with Asians. Hip hop seems pretty synonymous with Asians over here and NZ.
In case you missed it, the bar is named "llama." There is a Brass Monkey Restaurant at the other side of town. They like animal names.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Granny Ee tagged me, and since I have nothing else to do I will acknowledge her weird request, instead of turning my head the other way and pretending I didn't see anything :p To cut a long story short, write down five of your weird habits for the internet to laugh at, chew, and spit out, then tag another five people to do the same.
My five weird habits:
1. The baby hairs on my head sometimes have this weird rough texture that the rest of my hair doesn't have, and I like to run my fingers down these hairs periodically just to feel it.
2. Like Granny Ee, I like to peel my nails. The itching to do so starts the moment my nails start chipping, and doesn't stop until I either peel it off or cut my nails shorter.
3. Sometimes when I do something I will only do it in a specific manner. I don't care if I'm slow or if there's a faster of doing whatever it is I'm doing, I just want to get it done my way, which annoys the living daylights out of certain people (*ahem* Significant Other *ahem*).
4. I am a chaotically organized person. My things are piled in a nice, haphazard stack in my room. I know where everything is, but anyone who looks at it will tell you it is a just bloody mess that is stacked up nicely. I almost never clean up my stuff because I am lazy, but whenever I do (typically around midnight), I won't be able to stop until I've cleaned EVERYTHING. This usually takes a few hours, so by the time I am done it will be four in the morning.
5. Whenever I can't make up my mind about something, I often ask other people for their opinions, not because I really need their opinion but rather to reassure myself about something. It's a habit that some people don't like, because it doesn't seem like I take their opinion into account, but truth be told, the only people whose opinion I ever really take into account are Significant Other's, Granny Ee, and a few others. It still doesn't mean that I do whatever they suggest, though :p
My poor unlucky tag victims: Yew Seng, Li San, Nick (Chhan). Adjay and Gary, if you people read this, because you've never quite announced your presence here before.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Muffin Top
An Irish girl, Australian girl, and English girl went into a park to watch a soccer match (which sounds like a joke but it is not). I was sitting next to them when I overheard the term "muffin top."
You learn new things everyday. This is another one of those cases. The Irish lady says, "is that the top of your muff, then?"
It's a barrel of laughs as they drink their wine to a inter-departmental soccer match.
In any case, the term "muffin top" refers to the bit of overlapping person above the pants level; such as if you were wearing tight jeans.
"My brothers and cousins--coincidentally, the ones I'm visiting here--never let me play dungeons and dragons with them."
"It's not dungeons and dragons, it's called Heroes Quest"
-My brother
I went to this night club yesterday called, "the church." It was 11 on a Friday night and there were 20 heads in the entire place, give or take.
This man paid me AUD$2 for two cigarettes.